
  • 网络interest rate hike cycle
  1. 然而无论如何,中国加息周期的开始终止了长期对此的不确定性,对股市来说确实是利好。

    Nonetheless , the start of an interest rate hike cycle in China removes a long overhang uncertainty , and is indeed positive for the equity market .

  2. 尤其进入2011年以来,国家货币政策趋紧,银行业进入加息周期,贷款成本大幅提高。

    In particular , entering 2011 , the State monetary policy is becoming tight , the bank industry has entered an interest rate hike cycle , and the cost of loan is substantially increasing .

  3. 加息周期难结束,主要股指冲高回落

    Interest Rate Raising Cycle Hardly Stops , Major Stock Indices Drop Back

  4. 加息周期已见顶。

    The interest rate cycle had peaked .

  5. 中国已启动加息周期,而印度加息幅度最大。

    China has already made a start , and India has hiked more than others .

  6. 预期加息周期结束,全球股市触底反弹

    Global Market Rebounds from Bottom in Expectation of the End of Interest Rate Raising Cycle

  7. 当前面临新一轮的加息周期预期,会刺激提前还贷的发生,这也是本文选题的原因之一。

    Facing a new round of rate hikes expected , we will stimulate the occurrence of prepayment .

  8. 预期第三季的股市在美国加息周期快将结束和企业盈利增长持续的两大利好条件下有力再上。

    The end of interest rate hikes and vigorous corporate earnings will become the main drivers of market momentum in2006 Q3 .

  9. 他表示:美联储在加息周期开始的时候,也使用过类似的措辞,但没有阻止美元利率一路升至5.25%。

    Similar language from the Fed at the outset of its tightening cycle has not prevented US rates from rising to 5.25 per cent , he says .

  10. 它也应当能够避免本世纪头十年中期的加息周期的重演,那时美联储觉得自己被逼入每次开会加息四分之一点的境地。

    It should also avoid a re-run of the rate rise cycle of the mid-2000s , when the Fed felt locked into making quarter-point increases in every meeting .

  11. 虽然美联储声称无意让此举悄然开启又一个加息周期,但分析师表示,此举仍会影响市场。

    Although the Fed made clear that it did not intend the move as the start of a rate-rise cycle by stealth , analysts said it would still influence markets .

  12. 然而,巴西央行面对的是充满不确定性的国际环境。所以,巴西央行希望通过延长加息周期来克服某些不确定性,从而取得有利于巴西的结果。

    Nevertheless , the Bank is facing an uncertain global environment , and so by prolonging the rate hikes it is hoping that some of that uncertainty abates , and the outcome is favorable for Brazil .

  13. 为了对过热的经济增长进行宏观经济调控,美国早在格林斯潘时代就开始进入了长达17次的加息周期,这种持续的从紧货币政策终于遏制住了资产价格泡沫的进一步扩张。

    In order to control the overheating economic growth , In the Greenspan era , United States entered up to 17 times of rate increasing cycle , such continued tight monetary policy restrain the further expansion of asset price bubbles at last .

  14. 在利率中介目标对股指的影响问题研究中,本文引入了周期概念,对利率变动按时间划分为加息周期与降息周期,在对应的周期内观测股指的变动情况。

    On the subject about the interest impact on stock market , cycle concept is introduced , which divides the interest changes into Rate hike cycles and Rate cut cycles in accordance with the time and observes index changes in the corresponding cycle .

  15. 如今,我国已经进入了一个新的加息周期,自从2010年10月以来已经加息四次,这意味着提前偿付风险程度加大,极有可能再次出现像上轮加息周期中的提前还贷潮。

    Since October 2010 , China has raised interest rate four times . It means we have entered a new rate-hike-cycle , which will increase the degree of prepayment risk . The " prepayment boom " is likely to appear again as the last round of rate hikes .

  16. 首先,任何一国必须承担的加息幅度和持续周期都将缩减。

    First , the extent and duration of interest rate increases that any one nation must undertake would be reduced .

  17. 二次加息市场反应冷热不均中国进入加息周期?

    After China entered the launch of interest rate increases in response to market interest rate cycle ?