
  • 网络President of Belarus
  1. 今年年初,普京就在这座冰球馆联手白俄罗斯总统卢卡申科进行了一场冰球比赛。

    Earlier this year , Putin played a hockey game in the same stadium with the president of Belarus .

  2. .白俄罗斯总统亚历山大·卢卡申科的一个多年梦想就是让白俄罗斯能够发展汽车制造业。

    It has been one of President Alexander Lukashenko 's dreams for many years to have cars made in Belarus .

  3. 今年5月俄罗斯、白俄罗斯和哈萨克斯坦的总统齐聚一堂,签约成立欧亚经济联盟(EurasianEconomicUnion)的时候,此举被誉为地缘战略的划时代时刻。

    When the presidents of Russia , Belarus and Kazakhstan gathered in May to sign the Eurasian Economic Union into existence , it was hailed as an epochal moment with geostrategic implications .

  4. 一些没穿多少的白俄罗斯人还把总统的演讲内容录成了戏谑式的歌曲。

    Some not-overly-dressed Belarusians went and recorded tongue-in-cheek songs about the president 's message .