
  • 网络Gabo;gabor;Canbo;Don Garber
  1. 改进的基于加博滤波的指纹增强算法

    Improved Fingerprint Enhancement Algorithm Based on Gabor Filter

  2. 加博目前还参演了奥斯卡提名电影《逃离德黑兰》,NBC系列,《致命陷阱》。

    Garber currently stars in the Oscar-nominated film , Argo , and the new NBC series , Deception .

  3. 我起床了,走到朗廷酒店大厅找到了加博。

    So I got up , walked into the lobby of the Langham Huntington Hotel and found Garber .

  4. 然而大联盟专员加博坚持认为没有人队大卫和他的球队施加压力。

    However , MLS commissioner Garber was adamant no pressure had been applied on the player or his club .

  5. 然后加博补充道:“他要和我一起参加美国演员工会奖颁奖礼。”

    Garber then added : " He 's going to be out here with me for the SAG Awards . "

  6. 尽管如此,加博声称在这位前曼联球星的合约中有禁止转会的条款,并且肯定这次转会对于银河队和大联盟有着重大的经济意义。

    However , Garber , who confirmed there is no get-out clause in the former Manchester United star 's contract , is certain the move makes economic sense both for Galaxy and the league in general .

  7. 然后加博补充道:他要和我一起参加美国演员工会奖颁奖礼。值得注意的是这段对话发生在电视评论协会媒体之旅,在金球奖之前。

    Garber then added : He 's going to be out here with me for the SAG Awards . It should be noted the interview took place during the TV Critics Association Press Tour , a week prior to the Golden Globes .

  8. 蒙泰隆戈说,档案中的40多本相册生动记录了加博(Gabo,拉美人对加西亚·马尔克斯的爱称)的私人生活,从他早年在哥伦比亚农村时起。相册中还有卡斯特罗的一些照片。

    The more than 40 photo albums in the collection contain some images of Mr. Castro , as well as a visual chronicle of the private Gabo , as Garc í a M á rquez was affectionately known throughout Latin America , beginning with his early life in rural Colombia , Mr. Montelongo said .