
  1. 甜玉米是自花授粉的,需要成片种植。

    Sweet corn is wind pollinated , and needs to be grown in a block .

  2. 促花措施对日光温室甜樱桃幼树成花及坐果的影响

    Influences on Flowerbud Differentiation and Fruit Setting of Young Sweet Cherry Trees Treated With Flowerbud-inducing Methods in Solar Greenhouse

  3. 结果显示,中国樱桃和甜樱桃的自花、异花花粉均能在柱头萌发,且其花粉管在花柱中表现为极快慢快稳定的动态变化过程。

    The results showed that pollens in both cherrys ' self-and cross-pollination germinated and the pollen tube growth a " very quick sloe quick stable " growing mode .