
Mǎn zú
  • the Manchu nationality, or the Manchus, mainly distributed over the provinces of Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Hebei and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
满族 [mǎn zú]
  • [Manchu nationality] 中国的少数民族之一,主要分布在辽宁、黑龙江、吉林、河北、北京和内蒙古

  1. 黑龙江省满族人群HLA分布调查

    Distribution of HLA of Man Population in Heilongjiang Province

  2. 以聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳方法测定了331例辽宁满族新生儿脐带血血红蛋白F中Gγ/Aγ比值。

    The G γ / A γ ratios of fetal hemoglobin of 331 Man ethnic newborns in Liaoning province , China , were determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis ( PAGE ) .

  3. 其结果是满族整体道德素质的提高。

    As a result , Manchu overall moral qualities were improved .

  4. 山东青州满族的历史渊源

    The Historical Origins of the Man Nationality in Qingzhou of Shandong

  5. 浅析岫岩满族自治县菱镁资源开发利用

    Exploitation & utilization of magnesite resource in Xiuyan Manchu Autonomous County

  6. 辽宁地区满族正常人皮纹学分析

    A dermatoglyphic analysis of the Man nationality in the Liaoning region

  7. 《红楼梦》蕴含了相当丰富的满族风俗。

    A Dream of Red Mansions contains abundant of Manchu custom .

  8. 满族文化研究百年(上)

    Studies on Manchu Culture for a Hundred Years ( 1st )

  9. 满族家庭伦理道德教育包括伦理道德与修身齐家两部分。

    Ethics education of Manchu family included ethics and self-cultivation family .

  10. 清代满族弓箭的制作及管理

    The Manufacture and Management of Bow and Arrow in Qing Dynasty

  11. 清代满族家庭文化教育浅说

    Elementary Introduction about Family Culture Education of Manchu in Qing Dynasty

  12. 从满族风俗看清代民间服饰

    Look at Folk Costume of the Qing Dynasty from Manchu Custom

  13. 那个人的父亲是汉族而母亲是满族的。

    That person 's father is Han and the mother is Manchu .

  14. 神歌是满族萨满文化研究的对象。

    The Spiritual Songs are the objects of studying Manchuria Shaman Culture .

  15. 在满族医药文化中,确实有独具民族传统和特色的治疗方法。

    Manchu culture , there are many characteristic treating methods .

  16. 460名满族正常人掌纹研究

    A study of palmar patterns of 460 normal people of Man nationality

  17. 满族与其它民族民间音乐的交融

    The Musical Interaction of the Manchus and Other Ethnic Groups

  18. 探寻满族文化发展的轨迹

    A Probe to the Trace of Cultural Development of Manchu

  19. 所以他派来的都是满族人。

    That 's why all the people he dispatched here were manchu .

  20. 黑龙江省满族文化旅游开发探析

    The Traveling Development Fundamental Research of Manchu Culture in Heilongjiang

  21. 满族民间剪纸的艺术风格

    The Artistic Style of Manchus ' Folk Scissor - Cut

  22. 清代满族皇室教育传承的文化人类学分析

    Anthropology Analysis Spread by Man People Royalty Education of the Qing Dynasty

  23. 论满族形成时期的文化结构

    Cultural Structures in the Formative Period of the Manchu People

  24. 最终,满族的入侵结束了明朝的统治。

    Finally , a Manchu invasion ended the Ming regime .

  25. 试论满族入关前饮食文化特点

    The Discussion about the Man Diet Culture Characteristic before Entering the Pass

  26. 作者通过温婉而细腻的笔触描述出北京满族生活中的文化底蕴。

    The gentle and delicate strokes depict life deep in cultural heritage .

  27. 黑龙江流域满族先民的农业文明

    The Agricultural Culture of the Manchu Ancients in Heilongjiang Valley

  28. 满族入关前奴隶问题管窥

    A Restricted View of the Issue of Slaves before Manchu Entering Shanhaiguan

  29. 浅论入关前满族社会的文化特色

    On National Features about the Man Nationality before Entering Shanhaiguan

  30. 吉林满族萨满祭祀考察调研报告

    Investigation and Research Report on Manchu Shaman Ceremony in Jilin