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  • 网络House of Style;the court presides;full up;chongfen
满盈 [mǎn yíng]
  • [fill] 全部占满、充满

  • 河水满盈

  1. 设宴,高朋满盈,

    Feast , and your halls are crowded ;

  2. 这是一个水蓝小精灵再次满盈生机。

    This is an aqua blue again with a dynamic elf .

  3. 射出烟雨般的光柱,天际满盈。

    The moon rains out her beams , and heaven is overflowed .

  4. 我的泪水不禁满盈。

    My tears could not help coming .

  5. 只因我当时年幼无知,换来如今的热泪满盈。

    But I was young and foolish , and now I 'm full of tears .

  6. 温斯顿又瞥一眼卢瑟福疲塌塌的脸,竟看见他的眼睛满盈着泪水。

    But when Winston glanced again at rutherford 's ruinous face , he saw that his eyes were full of tears .

  7. 到了第四代,他们必回到此地,因为亚摩利人的罪孽还没有满盈。

    But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again : for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full .

  8. 他们设调换市场计谋但是很倒霉的是他们没有满盈的时间去付诸践诺。

    They will be trying to change marketing strategies but unfortunately , they won 't be having sufficient time to do so .

  9. 报道称,裁缝店卖出“成千上万的国旗、队旗和仿制队服”,赚得钵盆满盈。

    According to a report , the tailors have sold thousands of national flags , team flags and counterfeit team shirts , and already made their piles .

  10. 据我看,三张肖像的眼神里,都满盈着被杀戮者与侮辱者的不信与恐惧。

    In my opinion , in the eyes of all three portaits , one can see the distrust and fear of those who have been slaughtered and insulted .

  11. 人们到此除虔诚拜祭之外,还会买回几只波罗鸡回家,祈求健康,好运气,福气满盈。

    Apart from the graves this pious people , the Baltic will buy back a few chickens home to pray for health , good luck , good fortune for profit .

  12. 苹果当初还没有售出哪怕一款平板电脑(Tablet)产品,然而对冲基金已从关于该产品的谣言中赚得盆满钵盈。

    Apple has yet to sell a single tablet , yet hedge funds already have made millions from rumors surrounding the product .

  13. 在掌舵雅虎(Yahoo)的三年里,梅里莎蔠尔(MarissaMayer)让很多人赚得盆满钵盈。

    In her three years as head of Yahoo , Marissa Mayer has made a lot of people extremely rich .

  14. 然而,虽然他赚得盆满钵盈,却不善于管理金钱。

    But in spite of his financial success , Smith did not manage his money well .

  15. 当一种名为氯化工艺的方法问世之后,人们通过购买一堆没有任何商业价值的矿石,然后利用这种新方法进行提炼,同样可以赚得盆满钵盈。

    When a method called the cyanide process was invented , men made fortunes buying dumps of rock abandoned as commercially worthless and putting them through the new method .