
mǎn yuè
  • full moon;a month;a baby's completion of its first month of life
满月 [mǎn yuè]
  • (1) [full moon]∶望月、圆月

  • (2) [a month]∶婴儿出生后满一个月

满月[mǎn yuè]
  1. 满月当空,银色的清辉透过窗帘照进来。

    There was a full moon and its silvery light seeped through the curtains .

  2. 如今,满月只是代表朋友或家人的团聚而已。

    Nowadays the full moon just represents the gathering of friends and family .

  3. 孩子明天就满月了。

    The baby will be one month old tomorrow .

  4. 满月时月亮是圆形的。

    The full moon has a circular shape .

  5. 满月呈圆形。

    The full moon is circular .

  6. 这一天总是新年的第一个满月。

    This day is always the first full moon in the new year .

  7. 当晚的夜空很明亮,因为他头上高高挂着满月。

    The night was bright with the full moon rising high above him .

  8. 上周日恰逢满月,让救援队获得了24小时的绝佳窗口期,涨潮时水位比平时升高了几英寸,提供了至关重要的助推力。

    A full moon on Sunday gave the salvager 24-hour window to work in , with a few extra inches of tidal flow providing a vital assist .

  9. 用ANSYS建立了满月塔的三维有限元模型。

    Using ANSYS program , the 3D model of the tower is established .

  10. 结果7例患者中5例有典型库欣综合征(CS)的临床表现,包括满月脸,向心性肥胖,高血压等;

    Results 5 of the 7 patients showed typical clinical features of Cushing 's syndrome , including moon face , central obesity , hypertension , etc.

  11. 虽然满月各方采取不同角落的世界,那些需要在BVI地方是一些最知名的,同时庆祝农历疯狂和传统文化。

    Although full moon parties take place in different corners of the world , those that take place in the BVI are some of the most renowned , celebrating both lunar madness and traditional culture .

  12. 一轮满月悬挂在高高的明朗的天上。

    High overhead in the lucid sky stood the full moon .

  13. 满月塔结构的设计、施工及动力特性分析

    Design , Construction and Dynamic Characteristic Analysis on Full-moon Tower Structure

  14. 因为是满月,打的没有平时多。

    It 's less than usual because of the full moon .

  15. 我是满月舞会上,最漂亮的女孩儿。

    I 'm the prettiest girl at the harvest moon ball .

  16. 慢慢地,一轮满月升上了地平线。

    Slowly , a full moon came up over the horizon .

  17. 一年多少次发生满月?

    How many times a year does the moon come full ?

  18. 在美国我们称之为“秋天的满月”。

    In America , we call this moon the Harvest Moon .

  19. 新月还是满月?

    Is it a new moon or a full moon ?

  20. 那周的周五正好是13号,周三还出现了满月。

    Today is Friday the13th.There was also a full moon on Wednesday .

  21. 满月的光辉照亮了她们去医院的道路。

    A full moon lightened their path to the hospital .

  22. 今晚,似乎满月徐上树梢。

    Tonight , the moon came out , it was nearly full .

  23. 满月的光亮完全可以读书。

    The full moon is bright enough to read a book by .

  24. 今天晚上没有月亮.没有满月照射着一个轻柔的八月午夜。

    No harvest moon to light one tender August night .

  25. 没满月时你根本不是我的对手。

    Without a full moon , you are no match for me .

  26. 满月时孩子便会出世。

    My child will come when this moon is full .

  27. 中秋节是观赏满月的日子。

    The Mid-autumn Festival is an occasion for viewing the full moon .

  28. 在我们旅行期间正好赶上一轮满月。

    The moon grew to its fullest during our trip .

  29. 自从满月起,月球总是围绕中心移动的。

    It 's been drive-by central since the full moon , man .

  30. 近满月的月华,它的光苍白地反射过来(约翰巴思)

    The gibbous moon , its light reflecting whitely ( John Barth )