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  1. 芒果树在树径上撒着繁花,蜜蜂一只一只地嗡嗡飞来。

    The mango tree was shedding its flowers upon the village road , and the bees came humming one by one .

  2. 其中用力摇晃一些蜜蜂一分钟&旨在重现蜜獾攻击蜂巢时蜜蜂可能表现出来的惊恐感。

    Some of the bees were then shaken vigorously for one minute & an experience intended to reproduce the presumably alarming feeling of a honey badger attacking their hive .

  3. 照顾蜜蜂不是一项工作,而是一种享受。

    Tending bees is not work , it 's a treat .

  4. 彼得和蜜蜂在一个大吉普车里睡觉。

    Peter and bees sleep in a big jeep .

  5. 他正在推蜜蜂的一个巢。

    He is pushing a nest of bees .

  6. 大家知道蜜蜂是一种非常勤劳的动物。

    Bees are known as very hard workers .

  7. 英国蜜蜂是一种温顺的、不伤害人的生物。

    English bees are gentle and inoffensive creatures .

  8. 成千上万群蜜蜂致使一人死亡,一人重伤。

    Thousands of Swarming bees have led one man dead and another critically injured .

  9. 一只蜜蜂,一辆自行车,一艘船,或者数字十。

    A bee , a bike , a boat , maybe the number ten .

  10. 蜜蜂有一项很重要的任务。

    Honeybees . They have a difficult task .

  11. 我的世界,痛恨我的人就像没有了芒刺的蜜蜂,一个个都已经死去。

    My world , haters can make like bees with no stingers , and drop dead .

  12. 蜜蜂是一种很小的动物,相应的,它们的大脑也很小,但它们导航能力却令人叹服。

    Bees are small animals , and have a correspondingly small brain , yet are renowned for their navigational power .

  13. 令人惊奇的是,在这一过程的每一步骤,都是一只较大的蜜蜂照顾一只较小的蜜蜂,教会它整个链条中的某个环节。

    The amazing thing is , every step of the way , an older bee is with a younger bee , teaching it the ropes , on down the line .

  14. 20箱蜜蜂为一组,溶液全部进入饲喂器的时间,水为3分钟,60%的糖浆10~15分钟,67%的糖浆12~20分钟。

    Each group is made up of 20 hives . The time for all the solut - ion 's entering ( indicating current velocity ) are 3 minutes ) 10 15 minutes and 12 20 minutes respectively .

  15. 结果表明,在蜜蜂的一个拍打周期内,用该方法可以有效地测量其拍打角、滞后角,扭转角和扭转变形,相对测量误差<2%。

    The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the method in measuring the flapping angle , lag angle , torsional angle and torsional deformation of a bumblebee wing during its beating motion . A relative accuracy of 2 % can be achieved .

  16. 由于环境和时间因素的限制,这些蜜蜂可以一刻不停地干活,如扇动翅膀为蜂巢降温,照料不同的蜂巢,当然,也是会休息一下的。

    Due to the lack of restrictions based on environmental and time factors , these bees can continue their tasks , such as cooling the nest with their wings , tending to various honeycombs , and , of course , taking lunch breaks .

  17. 蜜蜂浆杂一代与二代产浆性能观察

    Features of first and second filial generation of jelly producing bees

  18. 对于蜜蜂来说也是一笔宝藏。

    It 's a bonanza for the bees too .

  19. 在夏天,成群结队的蜜蜂则喜欢一头扎进黄色的南瓜花里。

    Multitudes of bees used to bury themselves in the yellow blossoms of the summer squashes .

  20. 蜜蜂主要采集一种蜜源植物的花蜜或分泌物酿造的蜂蜜。

    The honey made by collecting nectar or secretion of one kind of honey source plant .

  21. 为了使它们的飞舞适当,蜜蜂一定有一个重力的感觉器。

    In order to do their dance properly , bees must have a sense of gravity .

  22. 蜂毒是蜜蜂体内的一种有毒液体,但在临床上被用于支气管哮喘等过敏性疾病的治疗。

    Bee venom is toxic , but has been used in clinical asthma and other allergic diseases .

  23. 蜜蜂知道这一点,因为毒汁苦涩,与以前的味道是天壤之别。

    The bee knows that , because the venom the bitter taste of the past is different .

  24. 过去有一则笑话,说一只蜜蜂问另一只蜜蜂为何要戴一顶圆顶小帽。

    An old joke has one bee asking another bee why he is wearing a yarmulke . '

  25. 奶奶看见这些蜜蜂先后钻进一棵树上高高的树洞中。

    Grandma watched as the bees made their way into a hole up in one of the trees .

  26. 为什么蜜蜂只能蜇一次

    Bees Sting Only Once

  27. 黑蜂是蜜蜂中的一个重要种类,同时它也是构成蜜蜂文化的一部分。

    Black honey is an important type of bee , and it is also a part of bee culture .

  28. 长颈鹿原来是个短脖,直到他被卡在蜜蜂树里一整年。

    Giraffe has a short neck until she gets her head stuck in a honey tree for a whole year .

  29. 我试着往头发上撒糖骗其他人,但下场只是被蜜蜂蛰了一顿。

    I tried to fool everyone by sprinkling sugar in my hair , but I just got attacked by bees .

  30. 正是由于蜜蜂能够用一种特殊的语言来传递信息,科学家们才十分感兴趣。

    Scientists are quite interested in bees simply because they are able to communicate with each other in a special language .