
  • 网络CSI;Satisfaction
  1. G1法在管理咨询业顾客满意度评价中的应用研究

    To Study on Applying of Customer Satisfaction Evaluating in Management Consulting Industry Based on G_1 Method

  2. 基于感知质量的GPRS客户满意度评价

    GPRS Customer Satisfaction Degree Evaluation Based on Perception Quality

  3. 基于AHP的连锁超市顾客满意度评价指标体系的构建

    Building Evaluating Index System for Customer Satisfaction Index of Chain Supermarket in View of AHP

  4. MAC层实时业务满意度评价模型及基于满意度的包调度与资源分配方法

    MAC Layer Real-time Traffic Satisfaction Evaluation Model and a Satisfaction Based Packet Scheduling and Resource Allocation Algorithm

  5. MC模式下基于个性化需求的产品顾客满意度评价研究

    The evaluation research on customer satisfaction to individual requirement products under the mode of mass customization

  6. 目前,以B2C电子商务企业为对象进行顾客满意度评价的研究成果并不丰富。

    At present , researches based on B2C e-commerce enterprise customer satisfaction degree evaluation are not rich .

  7. 文章最后指出了在这方面的研究方向以及后续的研究内容,包括基于非马尔科夫过程的随机Petri网、应急过程的满意度评价等。

    Finally , the article points out the research in this area and future study , including non-Markov processes based on stochastic Petri net , the emergency evaluation of satisfaction process .

  8. 首先构建了物流信息系统用户满意度评价的指标体系,然后建立了基于AHP的用户满意度模糊综合评价模型,最后通过案例分析了模型的应用方法,同时案例表明了方法的有效性。

    The paper establishes the assessment index system for user satisfaction of logistics information system and a fuzzy-AHP model . Finally , it gives out a case to show how to apply the model .

  9. 最后,本文将构建的评价模型应用于B2C电子商务网站&VANCL(凡客诚品)进行顾客满意度评价,针对结果进行了分析,并提出了一些建议。

    At last , this paper applies the evaluation model to a B2C e-commerce websites & VANCL , then analyses the results and also provides some suggestions .

  10. 客户满意度评价是一个多准则的模糊决策问题,本文根据模糊集理论和Dempster-Shafer理论,得到改进的模糊层次分析方法,并将其应用到客户满意度的评价当中。

    The paper presents a new fuzzy AHP method based on the set theory and the Dempster-Shafer theory . and use the method to evaluate the customer satisfactory .

  11. 以CS理论为指导,在构建连锁超市顾客满意度评价指标体系的基础上,应用AHP对该体系各层次指标的权重进行了综合排序。

    This article takes customer satisfaction ( CS ) theory as guiding ideology and builds evaluating index system for customer satisfaction of chain supermarket , and apply analytical hierarchy process ( AHP ) to comprehensive evaluating for index right of the system .

  12. 并结合国内外对物流企业客户满意度评价方面的研究和论证,以及物流企业的特性,从CRM角度研究物流企业服务质量,构建客户满意度评价指标体系,建立动态模糊综合评价模型。

    And combine the research and evaluation on customer satisfaction of logistics at home and abroad , as well as the characteristics of logistics enterprises , constructing the evaluation index system of customer satisfaction , and establishing the dynamic fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model .

  13. 本文最后对提出的新战略进行了满意度评价,并努力贯彻学以致用的原则,希望通过对本文的研究,对河南JY住宅集团有限公司以及类似的房地产开发企业在未来的发展提供一些建议和帮助。

    We hope that , through this study , this can give some recommendations and help to the development of Henan JY Residential Group Ltd. and similar real estate enterprises in the future .

  14. 在对学者所运用的各种评介方法进行比较的基础上,选择了TOPSIS方法,并运用结合专家意见的层次分析方法确定指标权重。在此基础上,运用TOPSIS方法建立了客户满意度评价模型。

    ⅱ . On the basis of the review and the comparison of different evaluation methods , the author selects the TOPSIS method , employs the AHP method combined with the expert opinions to determine weights and establishes a customer satisfaction evaluation model .

  15. 本文基于IPA与Co-Plot分析技术,从国内旅游者的视角出发对国内导游的服务质量问题进行了分析,结果发现,国内旅游者对国内导游服务质量的满意度评价远低于其期望值。

    Based on the analysis technology of TPA and Co-Plot , this article analyzed the domestic tour guiding service quality from the view of the domestic tourists . And the results show that the service quality assessment is under the expectation a lot .

  16. 基于可靠性的城市公交乘客满意度评价模型

    Evaluation Model of Satisfaction Degree towards Public Transit Based on Reliability

  17. 基于支持向量机的移动电话顾客满意度评价系统

    Customer Satisfaction Degree Evaluation System of Mobile Phones Based on SVM

  18. 基于因子分析法对搜索引擎用户满意度评价研究

    Study on Customer Satisfaction of Search Engine Based on Factor Analysis

  19. 物业管理顾客满意度评价体系的研究

    The Research of Satisfaction Appraising System with Property Management 's Customer

  20. 服装制造企业计算机排料系统满意度评价研究

    Study on Satisfaction Evaluation of Cut-out Layout System in Garment Enterprises

  21. 我国四大数据库网站用户满意度评价研究

    Evaluation of the User Satisfaction Level on Four Famous Databases Websites

  22. 供电企业客户满意度评价指标体系的构建研究

    Construction of customer satisfaction evaluation index systems for power supply enterprises

  23. 并行工程中标准满意度评价空间中的冲突协商方法

    A Negotiation Approach in Standard Satisfaction Evaluation Space in Concurrent Engineering

  24. 港口物流企业客户满意度评价体系研究

    Study on the Customer Satisfaction Evaluation System of Port Logistics Enterprises

  25. 成都市慢性病患者对社区卫生服务满意度评价

    Satisfaction Assessment on Community Health Service in Patients with Chronic Disease

  26. 公众满意理念及公众满意度评价

    The Public Satisfaction Philosophy and the Evaluation of Public Satisfaction

  27. 基于模糊理论的非处方药的满意度评价系统

    A system on evaluating the satisfaction with OTC based on Fuzzy theory

  28. 读者满意度评价指标体系智能优化技术

    An Optimizing Technique with Intelligence for Evaluation Index System of Reader Satisfaction

  29. 基于顾客购后行为的顾客满意度评价研究

    Research on Customer Satisfaction Evaluation Based on Customer Post-purchase Behavior

  30. 首先,建立石油企业员工工作满意度评价指标体系。

    First , preparing of the oil company employee job satisfaction scale .