
  1. 这位摄影师在那个知名比赛中囊括所有奖项,她的私人画廊将于年底开幕。

    The photographer has swept the board at a prestigious2 contest and will open her own gallery at the end of the year .

  2. 很多私人画廊也在经营,每年会有很多新的画廊开业。

    Many private galleries are in operation , with many more opening each year .

  3. 作为展览和销售美术作品的场所,其灯光应当兼具艺术展示和商业吸引的双重作用,一些私人画廊兼做创作场所,灯光又肩负了适于创作的责任。

    As a place of art exhibition and sale , the light there should play the role of both art exhibition and commercial attract .

  4. 近年艺术收藏在亚洲一下子风靡起来,主要受到新一代中国超富裕收藏家的拉动,他们收集古典和现代作品,并在中国建立私人画廊。

    Art collecting has soared in Asia in recent years , mainly led by a new breed of ultra-wealthy Chinese collecting both classical and contemporary pieces and building private galleries in China .

  5. 最初的设计是包括一个私人艺术画廊,但这从来没有建造。

    The original design was to include a private art gallery , but this was never built .

  6. 20世纪80年代初期张晓刚的事业刚刚起步时,中国还没有一家私人经营的画廊。

    China didn 't have a single privately run art gallery when Mr. Zhang got his start in the early 1980s .