
  1. 中国城镇社会保险反再分配问题研究

    The Study of China Anti-reallocated Urban Social Insurance Problem

  2. 而内蒙古自治区的呼和浩特市和包头市取消了城镇社会保险落户的条件,以放宽户口准入条件。

    The Inner Mongolia autonomous region scrapped the requirements on social security payment for Hohhot and Baotou cities to relax local hukou access .

  3. 由此提出了研究假设:中国城镇社会保险体系不仅没有缩小城镇居民收入分配差距,反而扩大了收入差距。

    Therefore has proposed studying and supposing : The system of urban social insurance of China has not merely narrowed the disparity of income distribution of urban residents , have expanded the income gap instead .

  4. 在此基础上,主要从法律法规不健全、劳动关系的影响,其自身的特点加大了建立统一的城镇社会保险制度的困难分析出现此问题的原因。

    On this basis , mainly from inadequate laws and regulations , the impact of labor relations , the characteristics of its own cities and towns to increase the establishment of a unified social insurance system , the analysis of this difficult problem .

  5. 通过对中国城镇社会保险体系的分析,本研究发现目前的社会保险体系存在一系列的反再分配问题,包括:整体制度模式中的问题和养老、医疗社会保险中的问题。

    Through an analysis of system of urban social insurance in China , originally discover a series of reallocation problems instead exist in the present social insurance system , including : Question and supporting parents , question in medical social insurance in the whole system mode .

  6. 本文采用调查研究,理论应用的方法,对现有的城镇社会保险、社会救助进行整合,构建的城镇社会保障体系具有理论依据充分、转制成本小、可操作性强的特点。

    Through investigation and research together with applying theory , a new SIS based on optimization of existed system of social insurance and social aids is recommended in this paper which shows obviously the features of strong theory base , lower costs to adopt and easier to operate .

  7. 城镇社会养老保险、人口出生率与内生增长

    Urban Public Pension , Fertility and Endogenous Growth in China

  8. 进一步完善城镇社会医疗保险制度和医疗救助制度并扩大覆盖面;

    Perfect the urban medical insurance and aid system ;

  9. 长沙城镇社会养老保险改革研究

    The Research of Changsha Town Endowment Insurance Reformation

  10. 现如今,城镇社会医疗保险制度已经成为社会的热点问题。

    Nowadays , urban social medical insurance system has become a hot social issue .

  11. 中国城镇社会养老保险基金的筹资及投资模式研究

    Pension Financing Mode and Investment Mode Research on Urban Social Pension Insurance Fund of China

  12. 我国城镇养老社会保险制度转轨分析

    Transition Analysis of City Endowment Insurance

  13. 论我国城镇社会养老保险与商业养老保险的和谐发展

    Study on the Harmonious Development of Social Old-age Insurance and Commercial Pension Insurance in the City of China

  14. 继而开展关于参加城镇职工社会保险有效需求的问卷调查。

    Then the researcher carries out a questionnaire survey about " the effective demand to participate in town employees ' social insurance " .

  15. 本文系统地阐述了我城镇社会医疗保险的改革与发展,以及其变革的原因。

    This paper deals with the process of the reform and development of the social medical insurance scheme in urban China and the reasons for reform .

  16. 近年来,一些经济发达地区,开始将企业中的农民工纳入城镇社会养老保险体系,这是一项积极的社会保障政策。

    In recent years , some of the well-developed areas began to bring those peasant workers working in the enterprises into the city retirement insurance plan system .

  17. 长期以来学术研究对城镇社会养老保险机制给予了高度重视,但是对农村养老保险机制问题关注不够,从而影响了理论对实践的指导。

    The academic research has paid close attention to the urban social endowment insurance mechanism for a long time , But pay poor attention to the rural social pension insurance mechanism , thus influenced the theory to the guide the practice .

  18. 国务院关于开展城镇居民社会养老保险试点的指导意见

    Guideline Opinions of the State Council on Developing Pilots of Soci

  19. 他们是只参加城镇的社会医疗保险体系或新型农村合作医疗?

    Will they be insured by social medical insurance of migrants and new rural mutual medical insurance each or both ?

  20. 每个历史阶段福建城镇社会基本养老保险金体制的发展都有着包涵时代特色的鲜明特征。

    The development of Fujian urban social basic endowment insurance system in every historical stage has a inclusion characteristics of distinctive feature of the times .

  21. 在地方实行城镇职工社会医疗保险等多项改革的新形势下,军队医院的管理、建设和发展受到了比较大的冲击和影响。

    The management , construction and development of military hospitals are interfered greatly under the situation of newly carrying out of social medical insurance reforms .

  22. 对于福建城镇社会基本养老保险金体制运行的历史性评价,应当要有一个全面、客观、辩证、理性的认识。

    For running the historic evaluation of Fujian urban social basic endowment insurance system , should have a comprehensive , dialectical , objective , rational knowledge .

  23. 第5部分则根据第4部分的分析,设计我国城镇的社会养老保险税,并在最后的附录中提出一个农村地区征收社会养老保险税的思路。

    And at last part , the Insurance Tax of our country is designed , and also gives a method which levies the rustic social insurance tax .

  24. 今年年底前实现新型农村社会养老保险和城镇居民社会养老保险制度全覆盖。

    By the end of the year , the country will have achieved full coverage of the new old-age pension system for rural residents and the old-age pension system for non-working urban residents .

  25. 出台社会保障法,征收社会养老保险税,调整各级财政的支出结构,提高退休年龄等是解决城镇职工社会养老保险的可选对策。

    The measures to solve these problems include the Act of Social Insurance , a tax of endowment insurance , the readjustment of the financial expenditure at all levels and delaying the age of retirement .

  26. 扩大上海市城镇职工社会医疗保险对私营企业从业人员的覆盖面,保障其基本医疗,是政府和医保部门当前面临的重要任务。

    Rising the recognize of private enterprise employee to the medical insurance , extend the coverage of social medical insurance and insure the basic medical service on private enterprise employee are the important tasks of the government and department of medical insurance .

  27. 覆盖城乡的社会保障体系建设取得历史性进展,新型农村社会养老保险和城镇居民社会养老保险实现制度全覆盖,城乡救助体系基本建立。

    We made historic progress in building a social safety net covering both urban and rural populations . The new rural pension scheme and the old-age pension scheme for non-working urban residents achieved full coverage , and an urban and rural social aid system was basically established .

  28. 探索与研究福建城镇社会基本养老保险金体制的改革与实践问题必须要引入本土化的视角,立足于福建省的具体省情,才能做到有的放矢、言之有据。

    The exploration and research of the reform and practice problem of Fujian urban social basic endowment insurance system must introduce local perspective , based on the specific situation in Fujian Province , in order to accomplish having a definite object in view , it is the only another .

  29. 最后,针对前面所提出的问题,提出建立和完善城镇灵活就业人员社会保险制度的思路和措施。

    Finally , the issues raised earlier , proposed the establishment and improvement of employed in a flexible system of social insurance ideas and measures .

  30. 城镇职工社会基本医疗保险制度的改革,是全国范围内医疗保险制度改革的大事,医院能否成为医保定点医院关系到医院今后生存和发展的大问题。

    Reform of the basic hospitalization insurance system of the employees in town is very important and it decides the existence and development of the hospitals .