
  1. 据《重庆晚报》报道,重庆卫视已停播商业广告,将在原有广告时段播出城市形象宣传片和公益广告。

    Chongqing Satellite TV has stopped commercial advertisements and will use the airtime to broadcast promotional films and public service announcements , Chongqing Evening News reported .

  2. 将城市形象宣传片按不同分类方式进行分析,并采用案例分析法,对它们各自的特性进行讨论,并对城市形象广告的延伸与拓展以国家形象广告和城市品牌实景演出为例进行分析讨论。

    Dividing the development of city image advertisement into different classification according to the different promotion methods . For the extension and expansion of city image ads the national image advertising and city brand subject-live performance will be looked as an example to carry on the analysis discussion .