
huì liú pái
  • bus;busbar
  1. 如何选择VRLA电池负极汇流排合金

    Selection of the alloy for negative bus - bar of VRLA battery

  2. 汇流排式电流互感器

    Bus bar type current transformator

  3. 工厂自动化乙太网路(EPA)是一种以现场汇流排为基础的标准,利用乙太网路连接到现场装置。

    Ethernet for Plant Automation ( EPA ) is a Fieldbus-based standard for using Ethernet to connect field devices .

  4. GFM型VRLA电池正极汇流排腐蚀机理研究

    Investigation on the corrosion mechanism of VRLA battery positive straps

  5. 通过SEM,XRD等方法初步研究了负极汇流排腐蚀发生的机理,针对影响腐蚀程度的因素,提出了相应的预防措施。

    The mechanism of negative plates strap corrosion was studied by the methods of SEM and XRD . According to the factors influencing corrosion degree , some preventive methods were presented .

  6. 在上述3种试验合金中,Pb-Ca-Sn-Ag的腐蚀速度较缓慢,因此,它较适合作阀控铅蓄电池的负极汇流排。

    Therefore , the Pb-Ca-Sn-Ag alloy was more suitable for negative bus-bar of VRLA battery .

  7. 探讨了阀控式铅酸蓄电池(VRLA)失效的常见模式,如正板栅腐蚀、早期容量损失(PCL)、活性物质软化或硫酸盐化、负极汇流排腐蚀、失水和热失控等。

    This paper discussed several failure modes of VRLA battery such as positive grid corrosion , premature capacity loss , active mass softening or sulfation , negative plates strap corrosion , water loss , thermal runaway , and so on .

  8. 控制室的主参考铜排和其他设备汇流排间的连接电缆使用25平方毫米电缆或者更大?

    The connecting cable from the MRG star plate in the control room to other equipment local bus bar is equal to25 Square millimeters or larger ?

  9. 就浙江省玉溪水电站滑环碳刷系统改进的方法做了详细介绍,包括:碳刷改型设计、滑环表面磨损处理、汇流排和碳刷握的改进。

    The paper describes in detail the method of improving this carbon brush system , comprising modification design , slip-ring surface abrasion treatment , contact bar-carbon brush , and so on .

  10. 这台计算机的汇流排能够传送系统内的任何两台计算机的数据。他们发明了具有双周边元件联结汇流排之可调式输出入的桥接器。

    The busbar in this computer can transmit data either way between any two components of the system . They invented an I / o bridge having a programmable multiple pci bus .

  11. 从上海外高桥发电有限公司的实际使用情况看,只要增加少量的安全设备,采用安全、可靠的供氢汇流排装置,可保证瓶装氢向发电机供氢的安全性。

    From practice in Shanghai Waigaoqiao Power Generation Limited Company only addition of safety device for a little number and application of safe reliable collecting device for hydrogen supply can ensure the safety of bottled hydrogen for the generators .

  12. 结论表明,轻轨交通用接触网铝合金汇流排、线夹型材产业化开发项目的各项指标已圆满完成,该产品已实现国产化和产业化的目标。

    It showed that each index of the project for industrial development of aluminum profiles for contacting network for light railway communications has been completed successfully . The target of nationalization and industrialization of the products has been realized .

  13. 针对双级补偿电流互感器的检定,首先分析以二次侧小电流法实施检定的原理误差以及因一次侧汇流排形成短路匝所引入的误差,确定相应的修正值;

    For the verification of two-stage current transformer , the errors resulted from the principle of the method of small current flowing the secondary side and from the primary short circuit are analyzed , and the expressions of their corrections are presented .

  14. 在研制6FM100密封铅酸蓄电池的过程中,发现蓄电池的耐振性能达不到指标要求,经解剖后发现断裂主要产生于极柱与汇流排的交汇处。

    In the research of 6 FM 100 sealed lead-acid battery for military use , we found that its vibration-resistance property was lower than standard requirement . By means of dissection , the fracture was found at the cross of strap and post .

  15. 在计算发电机短路电流时,考虑周期分量的超瞬态衰减,考虑短路发生在远离汇流排位置时线路阻抗对短路电流的影响,并对周期分量衰减时间常数进行修正。

    The periodic current subtransient attenuation of generator is taken into consideration , when calculating the short-circuit of generators , and the decay time constant is corrected in view of the line impedance when the short-circuit point is away from the bus-bar . 2 .

  16. 基于正反双向分汇流行星排组的一类新型复合无级变速器系统具有效率高、功率容量与速比变化范围大等特点。

    A new type of composite CVT ( Continuously Variable Transmission ) systems , based on dual-mode power-split planetary gear set , is of improved efficiency , power transmutability and speed variable range .