
  • 网络meeting point;sink
  1. 本文利用第一深度搜索法(First-Depth-Search)提出一个计算无圈有向网络的ST可靠性(至少存在一条从源点到汇点正常运行道路的概率)的新拓扑公式。

    This paper , by using First Depth Search , presents a new topological formula to compute ST reliability of acyclic direct networks ( at least there is an operative path from source to sink ) .

  2. 我们最终会移入一个汇点并获得胜利。

    Eventually we will move into a sink and win .

  3. 流经网络栈内部的是socket缓冲区(skbuffs),它负责在源和汇点之间传递报文数据。

    Through the interior of the networking stack flow socket buffers ( sk_buffs ) that move packet data between sources and sinks .

  4. 多源点多汇点AOE-网应用的研究

    The Application Research on Multi-Source & Multi-Binding Aoe-Net

  5. 我们需要你们的祷告,支持和参与,推动汇点做神的工作!

    We need your prayer , support and participation in moving Crosspoint forward doing God 's work !

  6. 这个归纳从汇点开始,汇点是P-状态因为它显然满足P-状态的要求。

    The induction starts at the sinks , which are P-positions because they vacuously satisfy the P-position requirement .

  7. 当代币移动到汇点时游戏结束,汇点是一个没有出度的点,最后一个需要操作的玩家就是胜者。

    The game ends when the token reaches a sink , which is a vertex with no outgoing edges , and then the last player to have moved is the winner .

  8. 对于包含多个端点的图网络,通过构造虚拟的源点和汇点,将其转化为包含两个终端点的问题来处理。

    The graph has many terminals , it can construct virtual source point and sink point . Then , it transforms into the problem consists of dual terminal to deal with . 2 .

  9. 通过实地调研和样地土壤、植株取样分析测定,对两个不同猕猴桃果园生态系统的碳源/汇点的排碳量、碳汇量及净碳汇进行了确定和估算比较。

    Through field investigation and sampling of soil , plant sampling analysis , on two different kiwifruit orchard ecosystem carbon source / sink carbon emissions , carbon sequestration and net carbon sink were identified and estimated and compared .

  10. 为了实现所提出的安全方案,提出了3个算法:(1)簇首与簇成员之间分发簇密钥;(2)节点向汇点传输数据安全算法以及(3)汇点端的安全算法。

    In order to implement the security scheme , three algorithms are proposed : ( 1 ) Distributed cluster key among cluster heads and their member ;( 2 ) Secure algorithms transmitting data to sink node and ( 3 ) the security algorithm on sink-side .

  11. 该模型由两部分构成:(1)使用跨层自适应簇首选举算法,选举出簇首;(2)在簇首将数据包传送给汇点时,使用跨层簇间路由模型算法。

    The model consists of two parts : ( 1 ) the cross-layer adaptive cluster head election algorithm to elect the cluster head ;( 2 ) During data is transmitting to the sink by cluster heads , a cross layer routing of adjacent clusters model algorithm is used .

  12. 我妈给我汇了点钱,你想庆祝一下吗?

    My mother sent some money , you wanna celebrate ?

  13. 初步发现的快速沉积体有古汇潮点快速沉积体、古涨潮射流快速沉积体和台地周边快速沉积体。

    The initially discovered RDBs include depositions at the paleo-tide convergent flow and the paleo-flood tidal jet , fringing deposition around the palco-terrance .

  14. 蛾眉月月亮在上弦时或下弦时的形状,其凹边和凹边均汇合成点。

    The figure of the moon as it appears in its first or last quarter , with concave and convex edges terminating in points .

  15. 温度对原油乳状液的粘度有较大的影响,随着温度的升高,原油乳状液的粘度降低,不同剪切速率下的粘温曲线由分散逐渐汇于一点。

    The temperature of the crude oil emulsion can greatly influence its viscosity , and with the increase of temperature the viscosity declines . In addition , viscosity-temperature curve gradually converges to s point from divergence at varied shear rate .