
  1. 基于DEM的分布式汇流模型及其在洪水预报中的应用

    Distributed Flow Routing Model Based on DEM and Its Application in Flood Forecasting

  2. 由DEM确定Nash汇流模型的参数

    Determination of parameters for Nash runoff model by DEM

  3. 基于随机理论的Nash汇流模型初探

    Study on Nash Model Based on Stochastic Theory

  4. 随机汇流模型及基于随机理论确定Nash模型参数的研究

    Study on the Stochastic Concentration Model and Determination of the Parameters of Nash Model Based on Stochastic Theory

  5. 应用随机微分方程理论建立了输入具有高斯白噪声过程的Nash汇流模型,采用解析解法和数值解法分别求解该随机微分方程。

    Nash flow concentration model with Gaussian white noise process is built by stochastic differential equations , and their analytic and numerical solution are given .

  6. 利用区域系统环境集成模式(RIEMS)和一个OFFLINE的大尺度汇流模型(LRM)对黄河的河川径流做了模拟。

    The streamflow over the Yellow River basin is simulated by using the high-resolution Regional Integrated Environmental Model System ( RIEMS ), and an off-line Large-scale Routing Model ( LRM ) .

  7. 同时还提出了两种汇流模型:基于栅格的Muskingum逐栅格演算法和基于子流域的等流时线汇合法。

    Meantime , two models of flow routing and confluence are established , including the Grid-Based Muskingum Flow Routing Method and the Sub-basin-Based Isochrone Method .

  8. 模型构建在DEM的基础上,由数字流域、单元网格模型、河网汇流模型、水库调蓄模型和图形用户界面(GUI)等5部分构成。

    The model is established on the basis of the DEM and composed of five components : the distributed digital basin , the unit grid module , the river routing module adjustment of water storage by reservoir model and the graphical user interface ( GUI ) .

  9. 考虑到GIUH只取决于河网地貌参数和流速参数,故它可为概念性流域汇流模型提供一个新的确定参数的方法。

    Because the GIUH depends only on the parameters of geomorphology and flow velocity of channel network , it may provide a new parameter estimation method for conceptual models of CFW .

  10. 分别以面临时刻之前的实测降雨信息以及在此基础上考虑不同预见期的GFS降雨预报信息作为输入资料,应用大伙房产、汇流模型,以3小时为时段步长,进行入库洪水的逐时段滚动模拟。

    Regarding the actual rainfall information and on this basis considering rainfall forecast information of different forecast period by GFS as the input data , and getting the inflow rolling simulation processes which use three hours as the length of step by " Da Huo Fang " Model .

  11. 地貌瞬时单位线(GIUH)是近年来发展起来的一种新的汇流模型,它的主要优点是定量地将地貌因子引入流域响应以及较少的依赖流域水文资料。

    Geomorphological instantaneous unit hydrograph ( GIUH ) is a new basin hydrological runoff model which is developed in these years . Its main advantage is quantificationally introducing the geomorphological element into basin response and little relying to gauged data .

  12. 流域分散入流非线性汇流模型及其应用

    Research and Application on the basin scattered input nonlinear concentration model

  13. 产汇流模型参数综合率定在洪水预报中的应用

    Calibration of runoff-conflux model integrated and application to flood forecast

  14. 概念性线性水库流域汇流模型的改进及应用

    Modification and Application of Watershed Routing Model of Conceptional and Linear Reservoir

  15. 概念性流域地貌汇流模型的一般理论

    A General Theory of Conceptual Watershed Geomorphy Concentration Model

  16. 流域时变瞬时单位线非线性汇流模型及应用协和汇流平齐汇流交合汇流

    A nonlinear watershed concentration model of time-variable instantaneous unit hydrograph and its application

  17. 基于随机微分方程,建立了输入具有确定性特征、参数具有随机性特征的线性汇流模型;

    A linear confluence model with deterministic input and stochastic parameter was built .

  18. 分散型流域地貌汇流模型的总体构想

    An Overall Concept for Distributed Watershed Geomorphology Confluence Models

  19. 线性流域汇流模型的分析与研究

    Analysis and Study on linear watershed confluence model

  20. 小流域产流汇流模型试验的应用研究

    Study on Application of Runoff Yield and Runoff Concentration Model Test in Small Watershed

  21. 串并联线性水库流域汇流模型

    Watershed Routing Model Characterized by Series-Parallel Linear Reservoirs

  22. 集中入流滞时演进型流域地貌汇流模型

    A Lumped Lag-routing Type Watershed Geomorphologic Concentration Model

  23. 地貌单位线理论与概念性流域汇流模型的联系

    The connection between the theory of geomorphologic unit hydrograph and the conceptual watershed concentration model

  24. 分散非线性汇流模型的研究

    A study on decentralized nonlinear confluence model

  25. 等流时瞬时单位线汇流模型

    Confluence model of isochronic instantaneous unit hydrograph

  26. 马斯京根型流域地貌汇流模型

    Watershed Geomorphy Concentration Model with Muskingum Type

  27. 一般线性汇流模型实时预报方法的初步探讨

    The Preliminary Study of Forecasting Method on Real Time for General Linear Model of Flow Concentration

  28. 四川紫色土地区典型小流域分布式产汇流模型研究

    Distributed model for simulating runoff yield in the typical watershed of the purple soil region in Sichuan Province

  29. 本文采用一般线性汇流模型作为计算的依据。

    The general linear model of flow concentration is used as the basis of computation in this paper .

  30. 研究了城市雨水资源化的具体方式和过程,提出了城市雨水资源化的集流模型、汇流模型和传输模型;

    Concrete forms and courses of resourcing city rainfall were studied , and models for convergence , affluxion and transforming were rendered .