- Total evaporation;evapo transpiration

An improved energy BALANCE-AERODYNAMIC resistance model used estimation of evapotranspiration on the wheat field
In wheat fields , an high evapotranspiration intensity with a peak which happened earlier and a maximum annual rate of evapotranspiration were found .
Curves of total vaporization rate of fuel and vaporization rate per unit length as functions of the axial distance of combustor for given rocket engine are also presented .
Mulching with plastic is a widely used measurement of increasing agricultural production in this region . Plastic mulching measurement can effectively inhibit evaporation to significantly decline the total evaporation so as to ensure that the topsoil has a higher water content .
The results showed that the change of total evapotranspiration was large among years , among which the change of total transpiration is larger , the range of transpiration changes from 158.44 mm to 233.99 mm ;