
zǒnɡ lǐ fǔ
  • office of the premier
  1. 1972年5月越南总理府测量和绘图局印制的《世界地图集》,用中国名称标注西沙群岛(见附件4)。

    The World Atlas printed in May 1972 by the Bureau of Survey and Cartography under the Office of the Premier of Vietnam designated the Xisha Islands by their Chinese names ( see Annex 4 / 5 ) .

  2. 第二天晚上,我拍下了年轻抗议者在多尔马巴赫切宫(DolmabahcePalace)总理府附近与警察发生激烈冲突的一幕。

    The following night , I photographed youths clashing with police near the Prime Minister 's office in Dolmabahce Palace .

  3. 据BBC新闻的贝萨妮·贝尔报道,两名警察在总理府外中枪受伤。

    The BBC 's Bethany Bell reports two police officers were shot and wounded outside the prime minister 's office .

  4. 德拉吉坚称,他并未与德国总理府就omt的筹备进行磋商,在做出“不惜一切”的承诺之前,也没有向欧洲其他国家的政府征求意见。

    Mr Draghi insists he did not prepare the ground for OMT with the chancellery in Berlin and did not consult European capitals before his " whatever it takes " pledge .

  5. 当时希特勒就是在这座建筑里决定发起第二次世界大战和犹太人大屠杀(theHolocaust)。该总理府花园底下就是地堡,希特勒最后就是在这里自杀的。

    This was the building where the decisions leading to World War II and the Holocaust were made , and beneath the chancellery 's gardens was the bunker complex in which Hitler would finally commit suicide .

  6. 牵头负责法案起草工作的德国总理府和经济部青睐的审查机制可以被称作美国外国投资委员会(Cfius)的精简版本。

    The vetting mechanism favoured by the chancellery and economics ministry , which are leading the drafting , could be described as a light version of Washington 's Cfius , the inter-agency Committee on Foreign Investment in the US .

  7. 他们离威廉街和总理府已经不远了。

    They were now not far from the Wilhelmstrasse and the chancellery .

  8. 该火车站距离德国国会大厦和总理府很近,可步行前往。

    The station is walking distance from the German parliament and Chancellor building .

  9. 现在只是保卫总理府了。

    It was now merely a question of the defense of the chancellery .

  10. 俄国人离总理府仅有一个街区了。

    The Russians were just a block away .

  11. 他们离总理府只有一街远了。

    They were just a block away .

  12. 总理府和威廉街上的阿德隆饭店的断墙残垣还在燃烧之中。

    The remains of the Chancellery and the Adlon Hotel up the Wilhelmstrasse were burning .

  13. 总理府已成一片瓦砾。

    The chancellery is already in ruins .

  14. 与地域环境相融合&特立尼达和多巴哥共和国总理府设计谈

    To Harmonize with Local Environment & Premier Mansion Design of The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

  15. 最后几个月里我敬若尊长的顾问弗里德里·吕申来到了总理府。

    My pATernal adviser of the past few months , Fried-rich Luschen , had arrived AT the Chancellery .

  16. “虚拟之旅”开始于地面之上老德国总理府和冬园的图景。

    The " tour " starts above ground with images of the old Reich 's Chancellery and Winter Garden .

  17. 德国总理府为贯彻她的想法而奔忙,这些想法或是来自于谈话,或是来自于官方文件上手写的边注。

    The chancellery hums with her ideas , delivered in conversations or in handwritten margin notes on official papers .

  18. 不只是总统府,连总理府、国民议会、参议院、宪法委员会等有权力的机构都在右派的掌控之下。

    Assembly , the Senate , and the Constitutional Council , are now in the grip of his rightist coalition .

  19. 结合特多共和国总理府的实施建成过程,对官邸的总体布局、建筑单体及景观环境进行了介绍。

    Designing and constructing process continues the original idea , and the building is integrated into natural & architectural surrounding .

  20. 但是,约4000名抗议者仍围困着曼谷市中心被安全部队团团围住的总理府。

    But some 4,000 protesters remained around the prime minister 's office in central Bangkok , surrounded by security forces .

  21. 警察用水炮和大量催泪瓦斯阻止抗议者冲进总理府。

    The protesters pushed towards his office and the police fought back with water cannons and enormous amounts of tear gas .

  22. 现有的展馆和他的扩展将全面提供的在奥地利总理府的地下室现有的技术设施。

    The existing pavilion and his extension will be fully supplied by the existing technical installations in the basement of the chancellery .

  23. 贝罗也不相信自杀,他感到在总理府的地下避弹室里已再没有什么有用的事可做。

    Below too did not believe in suicide and felt that there was no longer any useful employment in the Chancellery shelter .

  24. 土耳其共和国总理府投资支持与促进局(以下简称土耳其投促局)是土耳其官方的投资支持与推广机构。

    Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Investment Support and Promotion Agency ( ISPAT ) is the official organization for encouraging and promoting investment in Turkey .

  25. 这座新总理府订于1950年完成,将有一个500米的通道直抵希特勒的900平方米的书房。

    The new chancellery , due for completion in1950 , was supposed to have a500m gallery leading to Hitler's900sq m ( 10,000sq ft ) study .

  26. 没有人讲话,唯一的声音是俄国的炮弹落在总理府花园里和打在四周断垣残壁上的爆炸声。

    There were no words spoken , the only sound was the roar of Russian shells exploding in the garden of the Chancellery and on the shattered walls around it .

  27. 俄国先头部队距总理府只有几条街,他们正在从东面和北面通过几条街,从西面通过附近的动物园逐步向总理府推进中。

    Russian spearheads were now but a few blocks from the Chancellery and advancing slowly toward it up several streets from the East and North and through the nearby Tiergarten from the west .

  28. 2008年2月进入60岁的阿克曼表示:她告诉我,希望为我做些什么。我应该邀请德国及海外大约30位朋友,一起在总理府度过一个晚上。

    She told me she wanted to do something for me , said Mr Ackermann , who turned 60 in February 2008 . I should invite about 30 friends from Germany and abroad with whom I would like to spend an evening in the chancellery .

  29. 总理府部长黑尔格·布劳恩表示,下载并使用该应用对我们每个人来说只是一小步,但对抗击疫情来说却是一大步。布劳恩还说,该应用在数据保护方面采用高标准,值得信赖。

    Downloading and using the app was " a small step for each of us , but a big step in the fight against the pandemic , " said head of the Chancellery Helge Braun , adding that citizens could rely on high standards of data protection .

  30. 远离聚光灯,印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪的母亲赫拉本和他的总理儿子在新德里的总理府度过了一段“珍贵的时光”。

    Away from the media glare , Prime Minister Narendra Modi 's mother , Heeraben , has spent some " quality time " with her son at his official residence in New Delhi .