
  1. 可以看出,问题并不在于事情是否会好转情况总是会变好的。

    See , the question is not whether things will get better & they always do .

  2. 和发扬光大的正是这种精神可以看出问题并不在于事情是否会好转情况总是会变好的

    To embrace and rekindle right now See , the question is not whether things will get better they always do .

  3. 所以,自上而下加工几乎总是,会往好的方向影响我们的理解。

    So , top-down processing affects how we hear things , usually , almost always , for the better .

  4. 公司最后总是会把问题解决好的。

    The company always sort things out eventually .