
  1. 这一堆点点画画就是你的签名吗?

    Are these dots and squiggles supposed to be your signature ?

  2. 这就是你贸然作决定的后果。

    This is what happens when you make rash decisions .

  3. 这就是你要出人头地的计划吗?

    Is this your plan for making your way in the world ?

  4. 我猜就是你!

    I might have guessed it was you !

  5. 这就是你的错误所在。

    That 's where you 're wrong .

  6. 如果有谁应该获得幸福的话,那就是你。

    If anyone deserves to be happy , you do .

  7. 这就是你后半辈子想要做的事情吗?

    Is this what you want to do with the rest of your life ?

  8. 你的行为中唯一可取之处就是你没有否认错误。

    The sole redeeming feature of your behaviour is that you 're not denying it .

  9. “叫你撒谎!”萨拉一边揍着孩子,一边尖叫道,“就是你偷的。”

    ' Liar ! ' Sarah screamed , as she thrashed the child . ' You stole it . '

  10. “我们没有怪你,”凯特说。“也就是你这么想,”鲍里斯嘟囔道。

    ' We 're not blaming you , ' Kate said . ' Speak for yourself , ' Boris muttered .

  11. 如果银行已经认为你有信用风险,那么抵押贷款就是你唯一的选择了。

    If you are already considered a credit risk by a bank , a secured loan might be your only alternative .

  12. “好吧,如果那就是你想要的,”他两眼含泪说道,“我想那就这样吧。”

    ' Well , if that 's the way you want it , ' he replied , tears in his eyes , ' I guess that 's that . '

  13. “那就是你最好的作品?”她讥笑道。

    ' Is that your best work ? ' she sneered .

  14. 你的行为的唯一可取之处就是你没有对此否认。

    The single redeeming feature of your behaviour is that you 're not denying it .

  15. 这就是你的不是了。

    It 's your fault . ; You 're to blame .

  16. 喏,这不就是你的那把雨伞?

    There ! Isn 't that your umbrella ?

  17. 汽车停车场就是你可以停放汽车的地方。

    A car park is a place where you may park your car .

  18. “两代人以前”指的就是你祖父像你这么大的时候。

    " two generations ago " means the time your grandfather was your age .

  19. 这就是你的问题的答案。

    It 's the answer to your question .

  20. 你活泼之时,就是你机灵之日。

    You enter a clever phase when you 're as bright as a button .

  21. 在法庭上你必须面对这个事实,那就是你对别人造成了伤害。

    In the court , you 'll confront the fact that you have done harm to others .

  22. 有些夜总会,就是你不点菜,也要付点位钱。

    At some night clubs you have to pay a cover charge even when you don 't order anything .

  23. 我明白了,原来那就是你的主意:你打算先油漆窗户,而后油漆门。

    I see , so that 's your game ; you 're going to paint the windows before the doors .

  24. 如果你看不到他们的优势,那就是你的问题。

    If you can 't see they 're superior , that 's your problem .

  25. 如果你遭到了背叛,你就是你自己所处环境的受害者。

    If you 've been betrayed , you are the victim of your circumstance .

  26. 如果你正在寻求一场独特的历险,那么航空航天中心就是你要找的地方。

    If you 're looking for a unique adventure , the Space and Aviation Center ( SAC ) is the place to be .

  27. 女王(惊讶地):这就是你强大的国王转弯的原因?

    Queen ( Surprised ): And that was why your mighty king turned off the road ?

  28. 他问老师:“这就是你在学校教学生的东西吗?”

    " Is this what you teach the students at school ? " he asked the teacher .

  29. 这就是你需要学习这些方法来创造良好第一印象的原因。

    That 's why you should follow these useful tips on how to create a good first impression .

  30. 只有一个人能回答这个问题,那就是你。

    Only one person can answer the question namely you .