
  1. 无事空忙,就那么回事。

    Much ado about nothing , that 's what it is .

  2. 我觉得坐办公室就那么回事吧。

    I 've always felt so-so about office work .

  3. 回头来看,英语的口语真的是看似入门很难,但是真的进去了也就那么回事。

    In retrospect , English spoken English is really seemingly introduction is difficult , but really in also so return a responsibility .

  4. 但这帮人蹬起自行车的那一刻,就不是那么回事儿了。

    But the moment they straddle their bikes , something snaps .

  5. 长发很酷。但将其在脑后梳成马尾辫就不是那么回事了。

    Long hair is cool . Tying it back in a ponytail is not .

  6. 对于许多人来说,夏季可能意味着惬意的生活,但对今年的科技股投资者来说就不是那么回事了。

    Summertime may be when the living is easy for many people , but not for tech investors this year .

  7. 一旦考虑到真实的风险程度,许多似乎是在跑赢大盘的投资策略就不是那么回事儿了。

    Many investment strategies that seemed to be beating the market were not doing so once the true measure of risk was considered .

  8. 这听起来像是个不错的主意,但接下来就不是那么回事了:被保险国将发现,他们的主权债务变成了难以估值的结构性产品。

    It sounds like a neat idea , until the recipients of the insurance realise their sovereign bonds have turned into hard-to-value structured products .

  9. 没有现任的总统或副总统一起竞选,这次选举将是80年来最具悬念的一次,但是感觉起来当然就不是那么回事了。

    With no incumbent president or vice-president running , this should be the most open race for80 years & but it certainly doesn 't feel that way .

  10. 想要谋杀老板的念头并不稀奇,但是当大家所讨论的老板真的死于谋杀时,就不是那么回事了。

    Talking about wanting to kill your boss may not be that uncommon , but it does put a damper on things when said boss actually ends up murdered .

  11. 但是,对长期资本跨国流动的威胁就不是那么回事了:主要原因管理层对跨国银行图景的重新界定,尤其是在欧洲。

    However , that is not so of the long-term threat to cross-border capital flows : the changes that regulators make to the landscape for multinational banks , especially in Europe .

  12. 政治家在选举前空口许愿,一旦上台就根本不是那么回事了。

    Politicians promise the earth before an election , but things are different once they are in power .

  13. 但是,当你扔掉装备,穿上运动鞋,运动裤和T恤衫上路的时候,湿气就完全不是原来那么回事了。

    But humidity takes on a different meaning when you strip away the heavy equipment , add running shoes , shorts and a T-shirt and hit the road .