
fēng rén yuàn
  • madhouse;bedlam;lunatic asylum;loony bin;mad house;bughouse;mental hospital
疯人院 [fēng rén yuàn]
  • (1) [lunatic asylum]∶旧时指专门收容精神病人的病院

  • (2) [mad house;mental hospital]∶精神病院

疯人院[fēng rén yuàn]
  1. 在圣诞节前这段时间里,该商店是个疯人院。

    The store is an absolute madhouse during the pre-Christmas period .

  2. 你不久就会发现这里是疯人院

    You 'll soon discover this is a madhouse .

  3. 疯人院现在叫精神病医院。

    Asylums are now called mental hospitals .

  4. 几年前,道格拉斯的父亲柯克·道格拉斯(KirkDouglas)还曾在命运多舛的剧场版“飞跃疯人院”中扮演了尼科尔森(JackNicholson)在电影中所扮演的男主角麦克墨菲(RandleP.McMurphy)的角色。

    Douglas 's father Kirk had played Jack Nicholson 's role of protagonist Randle P.McMurphy in the ill-fated stage version of the work several years earlier .

  5. 《娱乐周刊》的MichaelAusiello透露,托尼奖的获得者林-曼努尔·米兰达将在《豪斯医生》第六季开头几集扮演豪斯在疯人院中的室友!

    According to Michael Ausiello at EW , Tony winner Lin-Manuel Miranda has been cast as House 's roommate in the loony bin for the first couple of season 6 episodes .

  6. 英国已没有疯人院了。

    There are no longer any lunatic asylums in the uk .

  7. 我们进了疯人院地狱之门

    We 've entered bedlam . The very gates of hell .

  8. 一个人路过疯人院,听见里面的病人正在一起高喊,“十三!十三!”

    A man is walking by an insane asylum and hears all the

  9. 一群游客被领着参观一所疯人院。

    A party of visitors were being shown round a lunatic asylum .

  10. 《飞越疯人院》与美国的反文化运动

    One Flew Over the Cuckoo 's Nest and the American Counterculture Movement

  11. 罗伯特神经错乱,给送进了疯人院。

    Robert lost his mind and was committed to an insane asylum .

  12. 她有点不正常,只好送进了疯人院。

    She go a bit odd and have to be put away .

  13. 你想要进疯人院吗?

    Are you a subject for the mad hospital ?

  14. 他被送入疯人院治疗。

    He was sent to the bedlam for treatment .

  15. 这样的病人非得送进疯人院不可了。

    Such patients run the risk of becoming institutionalized .

  16. 疯人院行动已经结束!你明白吗,007?

    M : Operation Bedlam is DEAD ! Do you understand , 007 ?

  17. 只是现在是我在疯人院

    only I was in the crazy house now .

  18. 听听他们猛击,直到你准备好进疯人院。

    Listen'til you 're ready for a lunatic ward .

  19. 奥蒂斯,像个疯人院!不错吧?

    Otis , it 's a madhouse ! Isn 't it just great ?

  20. 不久他就给送进了疯人院。

    He was soon committed to an insane asylum .

  21. 他们把他送进疯人院。

    They put him into a lunatic asylum .

  22. 古怪、危险、兴高采烈的疯人院。

    A tripped-out , dangerous and cheerful nuthouse .

  23. “世界变得如同一个由疯子管理的疯人院。”

    " The world is becoming like a lunatic asylum run by lunatics . "

  24. 我是在疯人院出生的,我预感有不好的事情要发生啦。

    I was born semipsychic , and I had a hunch something would happen .

  25. 老兄!你这旅店简直象疯人院。

    Your inn 's a mad-house , man .

  26. 飞越疯人院/飞越杜鹃巢

    Fly Over the Cuckoo 's Nest , A

  27. 这地方比疯人院还糟,真的。

    This place is worse than any loony bin . I 'm not kidding .

  28. 但那是在进疯人院前了。

    But that was before the loony bin .

  29. 因为智力迟钝,他的女儿劳拉的从第一次婚姻起就被送进了疯人院。

    His daughter Laura from the first marriage was institutionalized because of mental retardation .

  30. 他们把她送进了疯人院。

    They 've put her in an institution .