
  1. 幸运的是,小红杉的爸妈在将种子推向世界之前会等待最佳时机来帮助它们。

    Luckily , redwood parents help their seeds out by waiting for the perfect moment before putting them out into the world .

  2. 这个可爱的小家伙从爸妈那边跑开了,全程跟外面坐一起聊天。

    This is something ! a cute little thing ran loose from her parents and enjoyed ridding and talking with us during the2 hour trip .

  3. 上周日,小王子和爸妈及爱狗路波一起出现在最新全家福中,此后模仿小王子时尚的风潮悄然而至。

    The frenzy to emulate George 's style comes after he starred in a new royal family picture with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge , plus their dog Lupo last Sunday .