
  • 网络teamwork system;Student Team Learning;group learning
  1. 本文简要论述了目前国内大学英语教学界较有影响的两种教育模式,即对外交流与外语应用相结合的双外教学模式以及以语篇重建任务为依托的小组学习法,也就是3T模式。

    The article expounds the two influential teaching approaches in recent college English teaching circle : language + communication approach and text reconstruction task based teamwork system . The aim of English teaching is to improve students ' communication ability which is recognized in English Teaching circle in and abroad .

  2. 学练小组学习法在乒乓球课程改革中的应用研究

    School Training Group Learning Method in Table Tennis in the Application of Curriculum Reform

  3. 大学英语课堂中的小组学习法

    Group learning in college English class

  4. 据统计,在我国所有实用的合作学习法实验研究中,有半数以上涉及学生小组学习法。

    According to statistics , among all the practical cooperative learning experiments in our country , more than half of them involve with group cooperative learning method .

  5. 小组合作学习法在ICU临床本科护理教学中的应用

    The application of cooperative group learning to ICU clinical nursing teaching

  6. 小组合作学习法在高等教育理论课堂教学中的应用

    Application of Group Cooperation Study Method in Class Teaching of Higher Education Theory

  7. 论小组协同学习法&再论开放学习方略

    On Small - group Coordination Study Method & Further Study on Open Learning Strategy

  8. 在使用《新世纪高中英语》教材这一契机,同时实施小组合作学习法。

    That is , carry out cooperative learning while using " New Century Senior English " .

  9. 其中,学生小组合作学习法是约翰逊·霍普金斯大学开发与研究的一种合作学习技术。

    And students ' group cooperative learning method is a kind of cooperative learning technique developed and studied by Johnson Hopkins University .