
  1. 她做了个关于她在中国访问的有趣报告。

    She gave an interesting talk on her visit to China .

  2. 他一生都在中国当医生。

    He had spent his entire life in China as a doctor

  3. 这家公司看来很有把握在中国取得重大突破。

    The company looks poised to make a significant breakthrough in China

  4. 在中国,蝙蝠被视为吉祥物。

    In China bats are thought of as being very lucky

  5. 在中国的民间传说中蝙蝠是好运的象征。

    In Chinese folklore the bat is an emblem of good fortune .

  6. 这艘船将继续呆在中国领海之外。

    The ship will remain outside Chinese territorial waters .

  7. 在中国杂货店里你可以买到现成的。

    You can buy it ready-made at Chinese groceries

  8. 在中国历法中,春分总是出现在2月。

    In the Chinese calendar , the Spring Equinox always occurs in the second month .

  9. 在中国,格雷丝·汤普森看见“苗条、挺直而强健的女人们”携带着各种物品。

    In China Grace Thompson observed the great variety of loads that were carried by ' slim , erect but muscular Amazons ' .

  10. 电器在中国非常普及。

    Electrical appliances are very popular in China .

  11. 目前,读夜校在中国极为风行。

    To attend evening schools is all the fashion now in China .

  12. 在中国,提倡一对夫妇只生一个孩子。

    It is advocated in China that a couple only has one child .

  13. 在中国这样一个幅员广大的国家里,要实现四个现代化,不可能一蹴而就。

    Modernization of a vast country like China cannot be done at one go .

  14. 二百年时间在中国文明史上只不过是一瞬间。

    Two hundred years seems like the blink of an eye in the history of Chinese civilization .

  15. 周总理的光辉业绩在中国人民心中立下了不朽的丰碑。

    Premier Zhou 's illustrious deeds are an everlasting monument in the hearts of the Chinese people .

  16. 在中国,晚婚晚育和少生优生均受到提倡鼓励。

    In China , both late marriages and late childbirth are advocated , in addition to fewer and better births .

  17. 在中国,凡年满18岁的公民,都有选举权和被选举权。

    In China , every citizen who has reached the age of eighteen has the right to vote and stand for election .

  18. 我们在中国的所见所闻给我们留下不可磨灭的印象。

    What we have seen and heard in China burnt in .

  19. 在中国,下行列车编号用奇数。

    In china , the down trains are given odd numbers .

  20. 在中国,蛇羹是最珍贵的汤肴之一。

    Snake soup is among the most treasured soups in china .

  21. 雷锋在中国家喻户晓。

    The name of Lei Feng is a household word in china .

  22. 在中国西南,一条新铁路将通车。

    In southwest china , a new railway will be opened to traffic .

  23. 很多华人聚居在中国城。

    Many Chinese live in chinatown .

  24. 《红楼梦》在中国文学史上占有重要位置。

    A dream of Red Mansions occupies an important place in the history of Chinese literature .

  25. 在中国,我曾经访问西部的甘肃省,那里一些家庭生活在窑洞中,为生存而挣扎。

    In china , I visited the western province of Gansu where some families were surviving in caves .

  26. 在中国几千年的历史中,产生了丰富灿烂的文化。

    The riches and splendour of our Chinese culture has evolved over a long history of thousands of years .

  27. 在中国码头工人的帮助下,那个外国海员找回了他丢失的手表。

    With the help of the Chinese dockers , the foreign seaman got back the watch he had lost .

  28. 在中国,桃作为一园艺树种,其历史远比任何其它已知的地区都早。

    The history of the peach as a garden crop in China far antedates any claim that can be substantiated for other geographic areas .

  29. 在中国近代史上有着重要影响的廖仲恺、李大钊、陈独秀、彭湃等曾在这里负笈求学。

    People who had a major impact on china 's modern history like Liao zhongkai , li dazhao , chen Duxiu and Peng Pai studied in this institution .

  30. 这种行为在中国简直就是引火烧身。中国对国家机密的定义十分严格,尤其是在商业或经济信息方面。

    This is asking for trouble in China where the definition of what constitutes a state secret is particularly strict , especially when it comes to business or economic information .