
  1. 我非常在乎你。

    I care a lot about you .

  2. 我不在乎你怎么想,你省点力气,别白费口舌了!

    I don 't care about what you think ; save your breath to cool your porridge !

  3. 宾夕法尼亚大学学者约拿•伯格说:"‘越血腥越好’这条规则对大众媒体是有效的,他们只想吸引眼球,不会在乎你的感受。

    The ‘ if it bleeds ' rule works for mass media , " says Jonah Berger , a scholar at the University of Pennsylvania . " They want your eyeballs and don 't care how you 're feeling .

  4. 朗菲尔德小姐补充道:"有一种保持连接的推动力,如果你下线,你会错过一些东西,你能不在乎你关注的那些东西吗,所有这些大量地聚集在一起,形成了一种很大的推动力。"

    Miss Longfield added : " Then there is this push to connect — if you go offline , will you miss something , will you miss out , will you show that you don 't care about those people you are following , all of those come together in a huge way at once ."

  5. 人家才不在乎你的想法和感受。

    They don 't care about your thoughts and feelings .

  6. 他们根本就不在乎你。

    They 're not thinking about you at all .

  7. 如果我在乎你,我就会关注你的成长,我希望你将来成为一个有所作为的人。

    If I care about you , I 'm concerned about your growth , and I hope you will become all that you can become .

  8. wedon'tcareifyou'reblack,我们不在乎你是黑人还是白人

    we don 't care if you 're white .

  9. 没人在乎你的截止期限,他们关心的是目标,高管教练及《新官上任》(First-TimeLeader)一书的作者乔治?布拉特说。

    Nobody cares about your deadlines ; they care about the cause , says George Bradt , an executive coach and author of First-Time Leader .

  10. 我们在乎你的MBA学位,但我们更在乎你如何融入到公司,你承担什么样的职责,以及你能给公司带来什么样的价值。

    While we care about your MBA degree , we care more about how you integrate yourself into the organisation , what responsibilities you take on , and what value you add .

  11. 但是Casey,老实说我只看到过她的后脑勺,但是我能感觉到她..她聪明、风趣而且很在乎你。

    But Casey , I mean granted I only saw the back of her head , but I got this sense that she 's-she 's smart , and funny , and gets you .

  12. 当然不会了,你只在乎你的任务。

    Of course not ! You only think of your job .

  13. 鱼不在乎你的鱼饵的大小。

    Fish don 't care your what size you worm is .

  14. 谁在乎你毕不毕业呢。

    Whether you graduate or not . I don 't care .

  15. 我不在乎你喜不喜欢我

    I don 't care if you don 't like me .

  16. 我压根就不在乎你是否满意。

    I am not bound to please you with my answers .

  17. 你不在乎你是死是活吗

    You really don 't care if you live or die ?

  18. 我不在乎你是不是打算放弃。

    I don 't care if you got to crap it out .

  19. 认为别人都应该在乎你的需求。

    2 . Assume others should care about your needs .

  20. 你根本不在乎你给别人的感受。

    You don 't care how you make people feel .

  21. 我根本不在乎你怎么做,你做就是了。

    I couldn 't care less how you do it-just do it .

  22. 但我现在真的不在乎你的感觉。

    But I really don 't care about your feelings right now .

  23. 但你却忘了两个在乎你的人。

    But you 're forgetting about the2 people who did want you .

  24. 没有人在乎你杀了个老头。

    No one minds when you kill an old person .

  25. 如果你像我所认为的那样在乎你的家人。

    If you care about your family as I believe you do .

  26. 有些艺术家不在乎你可以和结账告诉。

    Some artists don 't care tho , & u can tell .

  27. 看起来你们的人一点都不在乎你。

    Looks like your people don 't care about you after all .

  28. 我不在乎你的电话记录说什么。

    I don 't care what your phone records say .

  29. 不知不觉中越来越在乎你的存在和你相关的一切

    Imperceptibly in more and more care about you and you all related

  30. 刚开始约会的时候,谁在乎你以前结过婚没有?

    Who cares if someone you just started dating was married before ?