
  • 网络old couple
  1. 英国刚有茶的时候,一对老夫妻得到了一些作为特别款待的茶。

    When tea was first brought to England , an old couple got some as a special treat .

  2. 他们是一对老夫妻,过着几乎是不太体面的日子。

    They were an old couple living on the margin of respectability .

  3. 据《北京青年报》报道,在对一对老夫妻的行李进行常规X光检查时,广州白云国际机场的安检人员注意到里面有可移动的物体。

    According to the Beijing Youth Daily , security at southern Guangdong 's Baiyun International Airport noticed movement in an elderly couple 's luggage when they placed their bags through an x-ray machine .

  4. 乔和苏真是一对相敬如宾的老夫妻。

    Job and Sue are a real old Darby and Joan .

  5. 汽车司机为一对上了年纪的老夫妻打开车门。

    The chauffeur held the doors for an elderly couple .

  6. 这对老夫妻脑子有了毛病,做起了怪事。

    The old couple were delirious , and were doing strange things .

  7. 那对老夫妻结婚已经50年了。

    The old couple has already been married for50 years .

  8. 那对老夫妻正手挽着手漫步在树下。

    The old couple were strolling under the trees arm in arm .

  9. 这对老夫妻就叫她竹公主,并且非常疼爱她。

    The old couple called her the Bamboo Princess and loved her dearly .

  10. 爱荷华州一对老夫妻相爱一生,至死不渝。

    For one Iowa couple , true love lasted until the very end .

  11. 一对老夫妻在一起生活了很长时间。

    There was an old couple who had lived together a very long time .

  12. 埃里克和贝蒂被认为是村里最幸福的一对老夫妻。

    Eric and Betty are regarded as the Darby and Joan of the village .

  13. 没有人会相信那对老夫妻还在一座破房子里住着。

    No one believes that the old couple are still living in a poor house .

  14. 这对老夫妻要咽气了。

    The old couple were dying .

  15. 这对老夫妻慢慢学会了在负罪的同时心安理得。

    The old couple were learning to reconcile themselves to the sin which they had committed .

  16. 天气很好,所以这对老夫妻决定去外面走走。

    The weather is agreeable so the old couple decides to go out for a walk .

  17. 这一对老夫妻现在可安心了,因为他们的儿子已经脱离危险。

    The old couple are now quite at ease as their son is out of danger .

  18. 我身后的一对老夫妻提醒我说,如果你一直抱着你的儿子,你会把他宠坏。

    An old couple behind us reminded that I would spoil my son if I carried him everywhere .

  19. 后来,老夫妻竟有些过意不去,给她拿出一只小板凳。

    Later , the old couple began to feel sorry for her and brought her out a small stool .

  20. 那对老夫妻感到很荣幸,但是他们不愿意没有经过公主的同意就把她送走。

    The old couple felt deeply honored , but they would not send the princess away without her consent .

  21. 这个时候一对青年男女走过来坐在刚才那对老夫妻坐的地方。

    Just at that moment a boy and a girl came and sat down where the old couple had been .

  22. 相隔多年的同学再一次相聚在校园里,昔日的情侣变成了老夫妻。

    Roommate : Year , maybe I would come back with my boyfriend to this school when we are old .

  23. 对于这对可爱的老夫妻来说,长洲是座大城市。坐他们的无篷舢板,需要45分钟。

    To this lovely old couple , Cheung Chau was the big city , a45-minute ride away in their uncovered wooden sampan .

  24. 从中国媒体报道的一些照片可以看出,这对居住在广西苏桥镇的老夫妻很享受简单的田园生活。

    Pictures from Chinese media show the couple , living in the town of Suqiao in Guangxi Province , enjoying a simple farming lifestyle .

  25. 之后,这对结婚40年的老夫妻并没有跋涉4000公里返回新疆重新再办证件,而是利用了一个漏洞。

    Instead of traveling the 4000 kilometers back to Xinjiang to have one reissued , the couple of 40 years took advantage of a loophole .

  26. 老夫妻想了想,虽然离了婚,两人又没什麽深仇大恨,吃顿饭总可以吧!

    The old husbands and wives think , although divorces , two people do not have any bitter hatred , eats a food always to be allowed !

  27. 一些钱包中装有以下四种照片,婴儿的,一只可爱的宠物的,一个家庭的以及一对老夫妻的。

    Some of the wallets contained one of four photographs – the baby , a cute puppy , a family and a portrait of an elderly couple .

  28. 一架滑翔机坠入一对老夫妻房子的前院儿,失事地点距离房子仅几米,飞行员十分幸运地逃过此劫。

    A pilot had a lucky escape when his glider crashed into an elderly couple 's front garden , narrowly missing their home by a few metres .

  29. 如果说多子多财,那高生木和王秀英这对七十多岁的老夫妻绝对是有钱人了。

    BAODENG , China & If having children is a mark of wealth , Gao Shenmu and Wang Xiuying , a farming couple in their70s , surely rank as rich .

  30. 一对老夫妻有个儿子,目前仍然闲赋在家,还没确定未来要从事哪一行。父母有点担心,便决定做个小测验。

    An older couple had a son , who was still living at home . The parents were a little warried , as the son was still unable to decide about his future carrer , so they decided to do a small test .