
  1. 老爷庙直接在民间信仰的记录中,反映了鄱阳湖的演变;

    Folk gospels concerning the history of Milord Temple directly reflect the evolvement of Poyang Lake .

  2. 老爷庙是鄱阳湖通往长江的唯一通道,因为独特的历史和考古价值成为此次科考的重点。

    Laoyemiao , a narrow water channel linking Poyang Lake and the Yangtze River , was chosen for its historical and archeological significance .

  3. 老爷庙地区东营组主要发育有扇三角洲、湖泊三角洲、近岸水下扇、水下重力流和湖泊等沉积体系。

    The Dongying Formation in Laoyemiao region consists of fan delta , lake delta , neritic subaqueous fan and subaqueous gravity flow and lake depositional systems .

  4. 据介绍,水下考古工作将从水下土地状况摸查开始,进一步考查现在已没入水中的古代战场和鄱阳湖老爷庙水域沉船的情况。

    Archaeologists will start by identifying submerged indigenous sites , waterlogged ancient battlefields , and shipwrecks at " Laoyemiao ", a mysterious and dangerous area in Poyang Lake .