
  1. 80岁的老刘则喜欢在乒乓球桌上挥洒汗水。

    80-year-young Old Liu prefers to sweat it out on the ping pong table .

  2. 然后本见到老刘先生。

    Then Ben saw old Mr liu .

  3. 连老刘都深受感动。

    Even Lao Liu was deeply moved .

  4. 生意不好,来自河南、身材干瘦的司机老刘说道。

    Business is no good , says Liu , a wizened driver from Henan province .

  5. 老师们叫我老刘。

    The teachers call me Lao liu .

  6. 老刘说,在他被骗了7万元的时候,已经发现自己被骗了。

    He said that he had already found himself cheated when he was fooled out of 70,000 yuan .

  7. 老刘受到威胁,害怕遭到报复,时隔许久才敢报警。

    Old Liu is threatened , fear of reprisals , the first time in a long time dare to the police .

  8. 我的朋友老刘告诉我他老婆每到周末都要他陪着逛街。

    My friend Liu told me that every time it was Saturday he would be asked to go shopping with his wife .

  9. 这个流行语来源于一个真实事件:今年4月份,老刘在网上花了1760元买了一款保健品。

    The buzzword originates from a real event : In April , Mr. Liu spent 1760 yuan online buying a health care product .

  10. 天坛公园里,老刘和其他人都不会戴着耳机锻炼:在中国的老年人中,锻炼可以称得上是一种社交行为。

    Back at Temple of Heaven Park , you wont find Liu or the others using ear buds : Exercise is a fundamentally social phenomenon among Chinas elderly .

  11. “我会将所知道的毫无保留的告诉专家,”老刘表示,“在专家们的帮助下,我的低碳模型将变得更好。”

    " I will tell experts all I know without any restraint ," Liu said ," with the help of experts , my low carbon model will be better . "

  12. 老刘离婚后就一直一个人居住在一个单间中,天性幽默诙谐使他和周围的邻居处的很好。

    Old Liu , he was always living in a single room after he divorced , and the facetious humoristic nature of him made a good relationship with his neighbors .

  13. 广大老刘博客的粉丝们,请跟着我来一起游览著名的哥伦比亚大学,这座纽约州最古老的高等学府同时也是美国历史上最古老的五所大学之一的老牌名校。

    Dear fans of my blog , please follow me and I will show you the Columbia University , the oldest institution of higher learning in New York State and the fifth oldest in the country .

  14. 不久之后,他接到一个陌生号码的电话说,必须再买其他配药才会有疗效。接下来四个月,老刘一共给骗子汇去54万元。

    Soon after , he got calls from a stranger who persuade him to buy other matched medicines . In the following four months , Mr. Liu remitted a total of 540,000 yuan to the swindler .

  15. 这本来是超市门口很普通的一幕,可是让老板老刘没想到的是,车上下来的几个人都凶神恶煞般地直冲进店里。

    It would have been very common scene in front of supermarkets , but the boss did not think old Liu is a few people got out of the vicious camel straight burst into the store .

  16. 但是,如果老刘不再摆摊了、王长锁和他的小组成员年纪大了不能奔波了,他们离开以后,谁还能够继续做这些工作呢?

    However , if the old Liu is no longer set up their stalls , and Wang Chang-lock and his team in age and has not run around , they had left , who can continue to do such work ?