
dà kǎo
  • end-of-term examination;final exam;final examination
大考 [dà kǎo]
  • (1) [final examination]

  • (2) 期末考试

  • (3) 一门课程全部结束时举行的考试

大考[dà kǎo]
  1. 这个男生对于大考没做好充分准备。

    The boy is not fully prepared for the final exam .

  2. 他对大考总是感到放心不下的。

    He is always nervous and streaky about the final exam .

  3. 例如,一些学生在大考前压力很大。

    For example , some students are stressed before a big test .

  4. 客运量不断增加对国内交通部门来说是巨大的挑战,媒体将之称为“春运大考”。媒体将春运期间交通部门面临客运量大幅增加的考验称为“春运大考”(SpringFestivaltestfortransport)。

    The ever-increasing passenger volume is extremely challenging to the transport sector1 nationwide , and the media have called it a " Spring Festival test for transport " .

  5. 有些人将怠惰的状态归咎于多变的天气,有些人不堪毕业论文的重负,或因即将到来的大考而倍感压力,有些人则是为自己前半年的工作表现感到焦虑。

    Some people blamed the laziness to the unpredictable weather , some are burdened by the graduation papers , or the coming important test , some feel anxious about their work performance earlier this year .

  6. 根据官方说法,即将以全新订阅模式发售的Window10将会是纳德拉领导能力面临的第一次大考。

    Officially speaking , the upcoming Windows 10 launch , which will be sold under a new subscription mode , will be the first big test of Nadella 's leadership .

  7. 昨天,中国生物科技的银行询证函大考也以失败告终–该公司审计师BDO宣布辞职。

    Yesterday China-Biotics failed its cash confirmation test when auditor BDO resigned .

  8. 《长城》是传奇东方(LegendaryEast)的首次大考,这家好莱坞电影公司曾制作过《侏罗纪世界》(JurassicWorld),于今年1月被中国亿万富翁王健林的大连万达集团(DalianWandaGroup)收购。

    The Great Wall is the first major test for Legendary East , the Hollywood studio that made Jurassic World and which was bought in January by billionaire Wang Jianlin 's Dalian Wanda Group .

  9. 在80年代,美国记者、《大考》一书的作者NicholasLemann和亚特兰大的JamesFallows开始质疑SAT,考试“真的发掘出最优秀、最有才智的人了吗?”

    S.journalists such as Nicholas Lemann , author of The Big Test , and the Atlantic 's James Fallows began to question whether the SATs , as the latter put it ," really discover the best and the brightest ?"

  10. 他在大考中作弊影响了他的毕业。

    His cheating on the final queered his chances of graduation .

  11. 当您有大考时您会感到焦虑吗?

    Do you feel anxiety when you have a big test ?

  12. 她在大考之前很冷静镇定,毫不紧张。

    She was as cool as a cucumber before the big test .

  13. 我怎能不担心?大考就在明天。

    How can I not worry ? Tomorrow is our big test .

  14. 3月份原本要大考,但以现在的情况还怎么考呢?

    Exams were due in March but how could they take place ?

  15. 想象一个学生用整整三天时间参加一次大考。

    Imagine a student taking a giant test for three full days .

  16. 想到这场大考,马克紧张不安。

    Thinking about the big test made Mark nervous .

  17. 芬妮:题啊。我明天有一个大考。

    Fanny : Yeah . I have a big test coming up tomorrow .

  18. 我在担心明天的大考。

    I am worried about the big test tomorrow .

  19. 她在拼命用功,准备大考。

    She is boning up for her finals .

  20. 他侥幸大考及格了。

    He lucked out on the final examination .

  21. 也许你正为了明天的大考感到紧张。

    Perhaps you have a big test coming up and you are feeling nervous .

  22. 大考结束涌出时,我们都非常兴奋。

    We were all very excited as we streamed out of our final exam .

  23. 吉穆:莉萨,社会学的大考你准备好了吗?

    Kim : Lisa , are you ready for that big test in Social studies ?

  24. 你最好快点做作业,然后在大考之前放松一下。

    You 'd better do homework a bit faster and relax yourself before big exams .

  25. 我们都为星期五将举行的大考而焦虑不安。

    We were all in a sweat over the big test we would get on friday .

  26. 学生在三月份参加预考,七月参加大考。

    The students take a preliminary test in March , and the main examination in July .

  27. 那是2012年的4月,上个月刚结束大考,我们的心情都很轻松。

    It was April 2012 , the month after our exams so we were all feeling relaxed .

  28. 他告诉我每个大考,每个小考,每篇报告加在一起就是你的最后成绩。

    He meant every test , every quiz , every paper adds up to the final grade .

  29. 这是他的第一个大考,他等了太久。

    It 's the first big challenge he has had and he has waited a long time .

  30. 要是上学期努力,大考他就不会不及格了。

    If he had studied hard last term , he wouldn 't have failed in the final test .