
  • 网络The Great Transition;The Great Transformation
  1. 当日发生的事件是一次惊人的大转折。

    The day 's events were a remarkable volte-face .

  2. AMC(AmericanMovieClassics)出品的《行尸走肉》在拍摄了100多集以来,即将有一个的大转折。周日播放的第八季半季终,有一个角色的死亡,让人颇感意外。

    AMC 's The Walking Dead just delivered the biggest shocker in its 100-episode-plus history when , during Sunday 's season eight midseason finale , the zombie drama set the stage for the unimaginable death of one of its most untouchable characters .

  3. 游戏产业听上去并不重要,因此与乔布斯挽救苹果或郭士纳(LouisGerstner)拯救IBM等备受追捧的大转折故事相比,任天堂在岩田聪带领下的复苏很容易被忽视。

    The games industry does not sound important , so Nintendo 's revival under Iwata is easy to ignore compared with feted turnrounds such as Jobs 's rescue of Apple or Louis Gerstner 's of IBM .

  4. 对我国重交沥青市场大转折的思考

    Considerations on Big Transition in Market of Heavy Transportation Road Asphalt

  5. 中国当代城市规划进入了一个大转折时期

    Urban planning in china : at a turning point of transition

  6. 他还说,了解阿斯伯格综合症,是他生活中的一大转折。

    AdvertisementLearning about AS , he says , was'life-changing ' .

  7. 你得读读中间有个大转折

    You 've gotta read the middle . It 's the big twist .

  8. 超跨音对转涡轮大转折角叶片的高次多项式解析造型研究

    Geometric Design with Polynomial Method for Large Deflection Angle Blades of Transonic Contra-Rotating Turbine

  9. 轮子的发明是人类史上第二大转折点。

    The invention of the wheel was the second great divide in human history .

  10. 哈!故事末尾的情节来了个大转折!

    Ah , but there 's a twist at the end of the story .

  11. 大转折车道加右停车空间!

    Large turnaround driveway PLUS RV parking space !

  12. 搬到一个举目无亲的地方对我来说是人生的一大转折。

    Moving to a place where I knew no one was a big leap for me .

  13. 论黄河下游河道两次历史性大转折及其意义

    On two historic turns in the evolution of the lower Yellow River and their environmental implications

  14. 三年的大学校园生活是我人生的一大转折点。

    The university campus life for three years is a major turn point of my life .

  15. 但随着爱丁顿的研究发生了戏剧性的大转折。

    But the session takes a dramatic turn with the ring of a cable from Eddington .

  16. 以往聚会校友们更关注事业,25周年聚会则是一大转折。

    Then 25th-year reunion which marks a shift from previous reunions , during which alumni are more focused on their careers .

  17. 嘉道时期社会大转折的一面镜子&《魏源评传》撰写手记

    A Mirror of Social Turn of the Late Qing Dynasty & An Experience of Writing A Critical Biography of WEI Yuan

  18. 杰克·贝尔登给我们带来的,就是关于这最不同寻常的历史大转折之一的生动描述。

    Here , for the first time , Jack Belden tells this story of one of the most amazing turnabouts in history .

  19. 但随着这些权利一起的也有新的责任,因此20岁是日本人的一个大转折点。

    But along with these rights come new responsibilities as well , and so age20 is a big turning point for the Japanese .

  20. 尼采和李贽是分别出现在德国、中国历史大转折时期的浪漫思潮的代表人物。

    Nietzsche was one of the main representatives of the romantic thoughts in Germany while Li Zhi was somewhat his equivalent in China .

  21. 20世纪头11年,既是一个世纪交替的时代,也是一个大转折的时代。

    The first eleven years of the 20th-century were a turning epoch of centuries , as well as a period of great transition in world history .

  22. 在亨利·詹姆斯虚构的女性世界里,妇女不再是罪恶的根源,而是美国文化与价值的象征,这是美国文化传统的一大转折。

    In his fictional female world , women , once regarded as the source of evil , now become the emblems of American culture and value .

  23. 数值模拟实例表明,高次多项式解析造型方法能快速、高效、可靠地设计出高性能的超音速大转折初始叶型。

    The numerical experiments show that the high order polynomial analytic method can quickly , efficiently and reliably design high performance supersonic large deflection angle preliminary profiles .

  24. 我想这是世界上发现的第一把镔铁刀。现在世界发生大转折,就是个机遇。

    I think it is the first high-quality iron Dao in the world . Great changes are taking place in the world , and this gives us an opportunity .

  25. 王国维以自己的个体生命作为哲学理论的试验场,特别真切地展现出在“古今中外”之大转折大冲撞的时代里中国哲学连同中国学人一同遭遇的危机。

    Wang , experimented his own life with his philosophy believes which mainly inherited by western philosophic systems , vividly visualize the common fates of scholars who lived in early20th .

  26. 最后故事又有一个大转折——纹身师决定免费为斯蒂安在另一只手臂上纹身,只不过图案必须是第一个纹身的费用收据。

    The tattoo artist has put a weird twist on the story - he offered Stian to ink the receipt of the first tattoo on his other arm for free .

  27. 如此安排结构,意在表明麦金莱政府的萨摩亚政策既是大转折的必然结果,也是它的有机构成部分。

    By arranging the structure like this , I aim at showing that the latter 's Samoan policy was not only the result but also a component part of this turn .

  28. 而学习研究这一理论,对于加深1980年代中国文艺理论主题大转折、1990年代以来中国文艺思想发展的认知都有重要的意义。

    And the study of this theory , in the 1980s to deepen the Chinese literary theory the subject big turning , since 1990 the development of the Chinese literary thought have important significance .

  29. 第二章首先概括分析了19世纪末美国外交政策发生的从大陆扩张到帝国主义扩张的大转折。

    In the first section of chapter two , I analyze the great turn occurred in American foreign policy field in the late 1800s , which is summarized as the turn from the Continental Expansion to the Imperialist Expansion .

  30. 1953~1965年中国经济发展战略以优先发展重工业为起点,先后经历了赶超战略、均衡战略以及备战战略三次大转折。

    From 1953 to 1965 , China 's economical development strategy started from priority to developing heavy industries , then followed with three great turns : the pursue and surpass strategy , the balance strategy and the war preparation strategy .