
  • 网络The March
  1. 随着西部大开发进军号角的奏响,西部地区各项事业的发展必将进入一个崭新的阶段。

    While westward bound is brought into effect , development of all causes in the region will enter a new phase .

  2. 英特尔、可口可乐、美国运通、金霸王电池、HTC、英伟达和明基等大品牌已经进军电子竞技市场。

    Big brands like Intel , Coca-Cola , American Express , Duracell , HTC , Nvidia , and Benq have already tapped into the eSports audience .

  3. 你应得的。这是你多年来努力的成果,你终于能登上大银幕、进军演艺界了!

    it 's. .. y'know , you deserve this , After all your years of struggling , you 've finally been able to crack your way into show business .

  4. 虽然英特尔一直在大谈特谈进军移动市场,但其竞争对手高通(Qualcomm)和英伟达(Nvidia)等已经依靠来自ARMHoldings的授权技术,用产品牢牢地占据了这个市场。

    While Intel has been talking about moving into mobile , competing chipmakers like Qualcomm ( qcom ) and NVIDIA ( NVDA ) , which license technology from arm Holdings ( armh ) , have flooded the market with their products .

  5. 国外大石油石化公司进军中国市场现状与策略分析

    Analysis on Current Situation of Overseas Large Petrochemical Companies ' Marching into Chinese Market and their Strategies

  6. 在你看来,中国未来会在多大程度上希望进军并影响全球投行领域?

    To what extent do you believe China will want a stake and shaping hand in the global investment banking sector in future ?

  7. 入世后,国际大公司也大举进军我国市场,参与经济竞争和人才争夺,使人才竞争愈演愈烈。

    After china becoming member of WTO , many more multi-national company entry china markets , take part in competition of economy and talent , making the competition of talent more and more fierce .

  8. 一些大中型企业为了进军海外,或是为了提高公众对其财务报告的信任度,都纷纷选择具有良好声誉和威望的四大所来进行审计。

    In order to enter overseas market , or to improve public trust extent to the financial reports , some large and medium-sized enterprises tend to choose the big four who have good reputation and high prestige for audit .