
  1. 老舍小说与中国现代革命文学

    LAO She 's Novel and Modern Chinese " Revolutionary " Literature

  2. 从叙事学角度解读老舍小说的讽刺艺术

    Understanding the Satirical Art of Lao-She 's Novel From Narratology Angle

  3. 老舍小说的民族意识和现代意识

    National Consciousness and Modern Consciousness of Lao She 's Novels

  4. 老舍小说创作中的文化批判

    On Culture Criticism in Lao She 's Novel Creation

  5. 老舍小说中的民间文化形态

    The Folk Culture Pattern of Lao She 's Fictions

  6. 老舍小说中鞋的隐喻意

    On the Metaphoric Meaning of " Shoes " in Lao She 's Fictions

  7. 论老舍小说的四种悲剧形态

    On the Four Tragic Patterns of Lao She Novels

  8. 摘要老舍小说蕴涵了鲜明的墨侠精神。

    Lao she 's fictions contain the distinct spirit of Mohism and chivalry .

  9. 论老舍小说中新女性形象缺失的原委

    On the Absence of the New Image of Women in Lao She 's Novels

  10. 论老舍小说中的平民意识

    The Populace Consciousness in Lao She 's Novels

  11. 老舍小说创作的女性观

    Outlook on Women in Lao She 's Novels

  12. 论老舍小说的叙述声音

    Narrative Voice in Lao-she 's Novels

  13. 从老舍小说中的女性形象分析其男权意识

    On Lao She 's Sense of Masculine Authority Through Analysis of Female Images in His Novels

  14. 老舍小说创作跨文化文学接受心理研究

    On Cross - culture Literary Reception and Creative Psychology of Lao She 's Novel and Story Writing

  15. 从艺术特色角度对老舍小说创作加以分析。

    The paper analyzes the creation of Laoshe 's novels from the point of view of artistic features .

  16. 第一章通过对老舍小说中表现出来的喜剧因素进行界定,并分析这些喜剧因素带来的意义。

    The author defines these comic factors and analyzes the significance of these comic elements in Chapter 1 .

  17. 阐释运作延展理论框架下的老舍小说英译研究

    An Organic Study on the English Translation of Lao She 's Novels Within the Framework of an Extended Hermeneutic Motion

  18. 老舍小说的讽刺之所以博大精深,令人叹为观止,一个很重要的原因就是隐含作者与叙述者的关系的错综变化。

    The satire of Lao-she 's novel is broad and profound Because it is complicated between the hidden writer and the narrator .

  19. 文化批判是老舍小说创作一直坚持的一个母题,本文试图分析老舍小说中的文化批判意识,寻求老舍自立于中国现代文坛的独立价值。

    This thesis mainly analyses the cultural criticizing consciousness in Lao Shes novels so as to explore his individual value in Chinese modern literature .

  20. 形神兼备喻趣盎然&老舍小说中比喻的深层次特色蠡析

    Combining Form with Spirit to Be Full of Metaphor Interest & Probe and Analysis the Deep Characteristic of Metaphor in Lao She 's Novel

  21. 老舍小说有着浓郁的平民意识,具有极强的平民化取向。这种平民化的创作追求,构成中国现代小说创作中独到的文学景观。

    Laoshe 's novels have a strong consciousness and orientation of common people , which created a unique literary view in modern Chinese literature history .

  22. 第二,底层文化的浸润:记述了城市贫民的出身,与艰苦的生活环境对老舍小说创作的影响。

    Secondly , Taiwanese cultures infiltrating : describes the urban poor background , and hard life environment on the influence of Lao she novel creation .

  23. 本文正是从以上几个方面展开,将民间文化形态作为老舍小说创作的原点,对老舍小说做出了较为全面的、新的剖析。

    Taking the Folk Culture Pattern as the zero point of creation , we can make Lao She 's fictions a more comprehensive new analysis .

  24. 本文主要透过小说文本考察老舍小说创作中的悲剧意蕴、喜剧品格以及所营造出的悲喜浑成的艺术境界。

    I tried researching the tragic connotation , comic style and theworld of art of a fusion of tragedy and comedy in the novels of LaoShe .

  25. 老舍小说中的众多人物根据其鲜明的文化身份,大致可分为“老派人物”、“理想人物”、“新派人物”三大类。

    The characters in Laoshe 's novels , according to their distinctive cultural identities , can be classed as " old characters "," ideal characters " and " new characters " .

  26. 老舍小说里的市民形象大致可以分为“旧派市民形象”、“新派市民形象”、“底层市民形象”等几种不同的人物系列,每个系列都有独特的文化特色。

    The townspeople in his novels can be divided into distinctive images including " the old townspeople ", " the new townspeople ", and " the townspeople at the bottom of the society " .

  27. 以老舍小说为代表的着重表现传统市民文化的市民小说和以张爱玲为代表的着重表现现代市民文化的市民小说是20世纪中国市民小说的两种基本形

    Novels that mainly express traditional citizen ideas represented by LAO She and novels that mainly express modern ideas represented by ZHANG Ailing are two basic kinds of citizen novels in 20 ~ ( th ) century in Chinese . The

  28. 老舍短篇小说的叙述视角

    The perspectives of Lao She'Short Stories

  29. 男权世界中的女性命运&解读老舍早期小说中的女性形象

    The Women 's Destinies in a Male Administered World & Analysis of the Women Characters in Lao She 's Earlier Novels

  30. 老舍的小说在叙事模式上,深受中国传统小说叙事模式和民间说唱艺术的影响。

    Lao She is deeply influenced by both the narrative pattern of traditional Chinese novels and folk art of talking and singing in the narrative pattern of his novels .