
lǎo gǔ dǒng
  • antique;fuddy-duddy;fogy;museum piece;old fogey;old-fashioned article
老古董 [lǎo gǔ dǒng]
  • (1) [untique;museum piece; old fashioned article]∶古老的或过时的东西;过去的东西

  • (2) [old fogey]∶思想陈腐或生活习惯陈旧的人

老古董[lǎo gǔ dǒng]
  1. 鸿化公司过去的竞争优势已不再适用,过去成功的模式,其变成老古董的速度也在加快,而其他企业的快速成长和发展,导致公司面临严峻的困难和挑战。

    The competitive advantage of the company in the past is no longer applicable . On the contrary , its pace to turn into an antique is speeding up .

  2. 德克兰:老古董,弗兰克?

    Mr. O'Docherty : , Frank ? Mr. O'Docherty : Antique , yeah .

  3. 他不想身边有那么多老古董。

    He didn 't want all those old fuddy-duddies around .

  4. 我不想让自己听上去像一个老古董。

    I don 't want to sound like I 'm some old fogy .

  5. 她非常喜欢那些稀奇古怪的老古董。

    She adores old , offbeat antiques .

  6. 也许我只是个老古董。

    Maybe I 'm just old-fashioned .

  7. 在看望结束后,弟妹和我又谈论起这件事,努力想找出这鬼到底是从何而来,据我们猜测,鬼也许就附在那把老古董的风琴上。

    After our visit , my sister in law and I had a talk and tried to figure out where these ghosts were coming from and we guessed that maybe they were attached to this old organ .

  8. 今天,CHS标记法几乎成为了老古董,因为它是一个24位的数字。

    The CHS notation is almost a historical footnote today , because it 's a24-bit number .

  9. 5年前,当我出任诺丁汉商学院(NottinghamUniversityBusinessSchool)的院长时,很多学生都明明白白地倾向于把我视为老古董,这让我很郁闷,但我也完全可以理解。

    Five years ago , when I became dean of Nottingham University Business School , the inclination among many of my students to view me as a dinosaur was not only painfully manifest , but entirely understandable .

  10. O’Docherty先生:老古董,对,就像我一样。我们的结婚礼物。

    Like me.Wedding present , they were .

  11. 第一代iPhone的灵感来自于史蒂夫•乔布斯在21世纪初接触到的多点触控屏幕,它用令人惊叹的工业设计、铝制机身和防刮屏幕,让黑莓(BlackBerry)等竞争对手看起来成了彻头彻尾的老古董。

    Inspired by a multi-touch display Steve Jobs encountered in the early 2000s , the first iPhone made competition like the BlackBerry ( BBRY ) look downright antediluvian with a striking industrial design that paired mostly aluminum and scratch-resistant glass .

  12. 类似的,科技生态系统的趋势变化这么快,一旦停止适应和学习,人很快就会变成老古董,连什么是Snapchat都不知道。

    Similarly , trends in the tech ecosystem turn over so quickly that , if you ever stop adapting and learning , you 'll quickly become a dinosaur and won 't know a Snapchat when you meet one .

  13. 就是你以前睡过的那老古董吗?

    Oh , that old thing you 've been sleeping on ?

  14. 它要以老古董式腕表的视觉语言说话。

    Rather , it speaks the visual language of ye olde-fashioned watches .

  15. 叫我老古董好了,但我还是喜欢手写的信。

    Call me old-fashioned , but I like handwritten letters .

  16. 好吧,你们这帮老古董,听清楚了。

    All right , you primitive screwheads , listen up .

  17. 从评价来看,新小提琴比老古董整体上得分要高。

    And the new violins received higher overall marks than the antiques .

  18. 我算什么?我早就是老古董了!

    What do I matter ? I 'm just an old woman .

  19. 嗨,你现在用的球棒有多重,老古董?

    Hey , what size you swinging over there , old school ?

  20. 当然,我们多数人最终仍将成为老古董。

    Of course , most of us will still become dinosaurs eventually .

  21. 大哥大今天已经是老古董了。

    The Big Brother is already an anachronism today .

  22. 他们对年轻人不抱好感;他们只是老古董而已。

    They are not ill-disposed toward young people , they 're just old-fashioned .

  23. 他开的那部车是老古董。

    That car he drives is a museum piece .

  24. 这件连衣裙算是老古董了。

    This dress is as old as the hills .

  25. true:真的,真实的,正确的relic:遗物,遗迹,纪念物这话真像个老古董说的。

    Dan : Spoken like a true relic . -

  26. 那架缝纫机真是一件老古董了。

    The sewing machine is a real veteran .

  27. 那架飞机真可笑,看起来简直像个老古董。

    That plane itself looks almost laughably archaic .

  28. 这家饭店里满是些少年老古董,穿着花呢上衣,抽着烟斗。

    The restaurant was full of young fogeys wearing tweed jackets and smoking pipes .

  29. 那就冲他们叫唤去呀,老古董。

    So yell at them , old school .

  30. 这张唱片真是老古董了。

    This record is a real oldie .