
  • 网络Start Design;Initialize Design
  1. 我们需要先开始设计。

    D.We need to start design first .

  2. 卡尔顿生于1980年,11岁时开始设计服装。

    Born in 1980 , Carlton started designing clothes when he was eleven .

  3. 随着Internet的迅猛发展,人们开始设计适合于这种网络的分布式多点视频会议系统。

    Internet is developing quickly , people begin to develop new distributed multiparty video conference system .

  4. 在开始设计API时,他们就已经设定好了目标与约束。

    When starting the API design they started with goals and constraints .

  5. Three是第一批发现智能手机市场重要性的运营商之一,于是开始设计产品和资费以支持这项业务的扩张。

    Three was among the first of the operators to spot the importance of the smartphone market , and to design products and tariffs to support its expansion .

  6. 与之相比,科学家们通过全基因组移植可以使细菌DNA发生更有意义的遗传学改变,或可以从头开始设计人工生物体。

    In contrast , whole genome transplantation might allow scientists to make more significant genetic changes to bacterial DNA or design artificial organisms from scratch .

  7. 如果您是从头开始设计XML模式的,那么将很难只使用XML写下对象类型。

    If you had started designing the XML schema from scratch , it would have been difficult to just write down the object types in XML .

  8. Three是通过创新实现这一成绩的。Three是第一批发现智能手机市场重要性的运营商之一,于是开始设计产品和资费以支持这项业务的扩张。

    It has done so through innovation . Three was among the first of the operators to spot the importance of the smartphone market , and to design products and tariffs to support its expansion .

  9. 在开始设计整个系统的体系结构之前,您必须做出如下决定&何时使用移动Web服务以及何时不使用移动Web服务。

    Before you begin to design the architecture of your whole system , you have to make the following decision & when to use mobile Web services and when not to .

  10. 所以当Sun开始设计GUI工具集的时候,首要任务就是考虑一个设计良好的平台无关的API。

    So when Sun started to design the GUI toolkit , the first thing it should consider is a well-designed platform-independent API .

  11. Marilyn现在就开始设计我侄女的结婚礼服。

    Marilyn , you 're going to design my niece 's dress .

  12. 本文旨在展示如何从头开始设计和构建一个高度模块化、可扩展、基于Wicket的Web应用。

    The goal of this article is to show how to design and build a highly modular and extensible Wicket-based web application from scratch .

  13. 借助于XAware,开发者可以通过XMLSchemas开始设计过程,这是一种top-down的设计方式。

    XAware also gives developers the option of starting the design process with XML Schemas , an approach known as top-down design .

  14. 下一步就是衍生品开发:在富达亚洲风险投资(FidelityGrowthPartnersAsia)和宽带资本(CBCCapital)等公司的支持下,时光网已经开始设计电影主题的相关产品,并在其网站和中国的电影院内销售。

    Next comes merchandising : Mtime , which counts Fidelity Growth Partners and CBC Capital among its backers , has started designing movie-themed products that are sold on its website and inside Chinese multiplexes .

  15. 道具制作公司TimBakerCreations在测量了卫生间的空间尺寸,然后开始设计这款铁王座坐便池。

    Prop-making company Tim Baker Creations started by taking measurements of the bathroom space destined to hold the Iron Throne latrine . Next came the design phase .

  16. 在这篇文章中,JoanneScouler和MartyBakal将介绍如何开始设计变体。

    In this article . Joanne Scouler and Marty Bakal explain how to get started with variants .

  17. 现在有了所需的工具(EclipseIDE)和库(iText库),可以开始设计和开发一个示例应用程序了。

    Now that you have the requisite tools ( Eclipse IDE ) and libraries ( iText library ), we are all set to design and develop a sample running program .

  18. 但是,如果您从域模型开始设计您的应用程序,那么Bigtable的无模式结构将看起来更自然。

    If , however , you design your applications starting with the domain model , then Bigtable 's schemaless structure will feel more natural .

  19. 在技术上,小米已经开始设计自己的处理器,以减轻电池重量并降低对高通(Qualcomm)等外国制造商的依赖。

    On technology , it has moved to design its own processor , enabling it to reduce battery weight as well as its reliance on foreign makers like Qualcomm .

  20. 他们收集了最好的3个(其中一个是我们开发成功的MBI项目)以及这些项目的知识,开始设计一个全新的模型来解决我们下面将要提到的问题。

    They took the best three ( as far as I know , and one was our successful MBI ) and with all this knowledge at their hands , start to design a brand knew model to solve several goals as we will see next .

  21. 我们现在还是否具备从零开始设计一座城市的技能?

    Is there still the skill to design cities from scratch ?

  22. 巴夫斯丁教授开始设计实验证实该理论

    So , Professor Buffenstein set out to test the theory .

  23. 所以他开始设计自己的设备。

    So he began to develop a device of his own .

  24. 为了避免这些限制,我开始设计家具。

    To avoid these limitations , I began designing furniture .

  25. 团队开始设计解决方案前,必须对需求进行收集。

    Before the team begins designing solutions , it must gather requirements .

  26. 吉利需要从头开始设计汽车。

    It needed to design cars from the ground up .

  27. 学生们有机会从零开始设计一个案例研究。

    Students have the chance to frame a case study from scratch .

  28. 然后开始设计印花和剪裁。

    From there you go into the prints , and the silhouette .

  29. 洛夫格罗夫不是从头开始设计的。

    Mr Lovegrove did not start the design from scratch .

  30. 问:你开始设计高级皮草系列了吗?

    Have you begun to work on the haute fourrure ?