
  • 网络Aperture ratio;Aperture;aperture rate
  1. 该像素单元电路具有开口率高、驱动时序简单的优点。

    This pixel circuit has the advantage of high aperture ratio and easy driving timing .

  2. 盾构机刀盘上开口率的大小作为刀盘设计的重要内容,在很大程度上决定着刀盘对土体的切削状况。

    The size of head aperture ratio of the shield cutter as the most important part of the cutter designing , determines the cutting conditions of the cutter to the soil to a large extent .

  3. 高开口率TFTLCD的黑矩阵设计

    Design of Black Matrix for TFT LCD with High Aperture Ratio

  4. 利用OIS的大开口率TFT设计专利,通过提高象素开孔率(Opening)到大于65%,以获得高显示亮度与良好的色饱和度。

    High display luminance and good color saturation are achieved through increasing pixel opening to be more than 65 % by using OIS patented high aperture TFT design .

  5. 但由于TFT-LCD的像素结构对再现像的情况会产生很大的影响,包括TFT-LCD的分辨率、开口率以及黑栅效应;

    Due to the pixel structure of TFT-LCD , the reconstructed image can be deeply effect by the effect of BM ( Black Matrix ) .

  6. 一种大开口率高性能的全彩色AMLCD

    A High_Aperture and High_Performance Full_Color AMLCD

  7. Al栅可明显降低AM-LCD中a-SiTFT矩阵的栅总线电阻及栅脉冲信号延迟,有利于提高高密显示屏的开口率与图像质量。

    Al gate can obviously reduce total gate-line resistance and gate-pulse delay of a-Si TFT matrix used in AM-LCD . It is profitable for increasing the aperture ratio and image quality of high-information-content display screen .

  8. 利用计算机模拟的方法,研究TFT-LCD的分辨率和开口率对再现像的影响,分析出再现像与TFT-LCD像素结构的关系曲线,便于今后选择适当结构的TFT-LCD;

    By simulation , the curvilinear relationship between TFT-LCD pixel structure and the reconstructed image is achieved , which is useful to choose out suitable TFT-LCD .

  9. LCOS技术以高开口率、高分辨率、低价格和低能耗等优点成为近些年最具发展潜力的显示技术。

    Owing to many advantages , such as high aperture ratio , high resolution , low cost and low power consumption , LCOS display becomes a promising display technology in recent years .

  10. 利用该模型分析了LCoS与CMOS阵列像素数比、像素开口率、相对平移、相对旋转等因素对系统互信息量的影响。

    According to the model , the factors that affect the mutual information are analyzed , such as the ratio of LCoS pixel number to CMOS pixel number , aperture ratio of LCoS and CMOS pixel , relative displacement and relative rotation angle .

  11. 基于硅基液晶的空间光调制器(LCOS),因具有开口率大、分辨率高等特点,被认为是实现全息显示最理想的工具。

    Liquid crystal on silicon ( LCOS ), one of the liquid crystal spatial light modulator , has many advantages , such as high fill factor and high resolution . LCOS is considered to be the ideal tool to realize holographic display .

  12. 为了克服上述问题,在本研究中用CF4气体代替SF6气体进行刻蚀,结果在FFS5.16(2.03in)像素结构中,开口率提高了60%。

    In this study , CF_4 gas instead of SF_6 gas was used to overcome those two problems . Finally , it was found that more than 60 % aperture ratio was achieved in our FFS 5.16 cm ( 2.03 in ) pixel structure .

  13. 开口率为68%、39%和43%;

    Vagina opening : 68 % , 39 % and 43 % ;

  14. 一种新型的盾构开口率调节装置设计

    Design of a New Type of Cutter Opening Ratio Adjusting Device of Shield

  15. 研究结果表明,替换之后的开口率有较大的提高。

    The result of the research shows that the opening rate has greatly improved . 3 .

  16. 空气自然对流式质子交换膜燃料电池的性能分析和阴极流道开口率的优化

    Performance of an Air-Breathing Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell and Optimum Open Ratio of Cathode Channel

  17. 其次,小组活动可以提高学生开口率,增加课堂互动程度。

    Secondly , group work activity can improve the speaking rate of the students and can also increase the degree of the interaction .

  18. 土压平衡盾构刀盘挤土效应及刀盘开口率对盾构正面接触压力影响

    Effect of cutterhead compressing the front soil and influence of head aperture ratio on contact pressure of EPB shield to the front soil

  19. 分别建立了刀盘转速、土体粘度、刀盘开口率与刀盘扭矩之间的函数关系式。

    The functional relations between the parameters ( rotational speed of cutterhead , soil viscosity and cutter opening ratio ) and cutterhead torque are established separately .

  20. 当出土率小于或大于100%时及采用开口率较小的面板式刀盘时,盾构将产生不平衡掘进。

    When mucking earth rate is not equal to 100 % , or for shields using skin-plate cutter head , shield advance is under unbalanced state .

  21. 另外,还研究2种不同刀盘开口率对于盾构的推力和刀盘扭矩的影响,并建立模拟盾构掘进的有限差分模型。

    A finite difference model is constructed for the numerical analysis of excavation process , in which the effect of open ratio of cutter head is considered carefully .

  22. 该模型考虑刀盘开口率的影响,获得盾构周围土体中土压力的动态变化曲线,并将土压力的实测值和计算值进行比较。

    This numerical model gives the dynamic change of earth pressure in the soil around the shield model ; and the calculated values are compared with those monitored in the model experiment .

  23. 全文通过对比分析,归纳了在不同车速下卸压结构的结构参数,例如长度、形状、开口率、倾斜度等,对缓解隧道气动效应效果方面的影响。

    This thesis analyzes the influence of alleviation effect of pressure relief structure on tunnel aerodynamic effect by different structure parameters , such as length , aperture ratio , shape , gradient and so on .

  24. 在隧道内实现盾构刀盘开口率的调节,可使其获得较为宽泛的地质适应能力,同时可作为工程试验机使用,在施工过程中探索开口率与地质条件的关系。

    Wide geological adaptability of a shield could be achieved if the adjustment of its cutter opening ratio is realized in a tunnel , and at the same time , the shield can be used as a construction test machine to discover the relationship between opening ratio and geological conditions .

  25. 合成堇青石(MAS)并制备MAS/SiC复相材料,测试了复相材料的体积密度、开口气孔率及抗热震性等。

    Cordierite ( MAS ) and MAS / SiC multiphase material were prepared , and then the multiphase material 's bulk density , open porosity , flexural strength and thermal-shock resistance were measured .

  26. 结果138例中,102例行两侧OVA选择性插管成功,96.1%的OVA发自腹主动脉前外侧壁,异位开口发生率占3.9%。

    Results Bilateral selective catheterization of OVA were obtained in 102 women , 96.1 % of the OVA originated from the anterolateral part of the abdominal aorta , and variations origin occurred in 3.9 % .

  27. 炭化温度越高,失重率和体积收缩率越大,体积电阻率越小,表观密度和开口气孔率则在973K出现转折点;

    With increasing of carbonization temperature , the weight loss and volume shrinkage are increasing , the volume electrical resistivity is decreasing , and there is a turning point at 973K for apparent density and open porosity .

  28. 结果表明,复相材料的体积密度随烧结温度的升高和烧结时间的延长均出现先升高后降低的规律,而开口气孔率的变化规律则相反;

    With the increasing of sintering temperature and sintering time , density increased first , and then decreased .

  29. 矿石或两种矿石的混合料,其赤铁矿水化程度或针铁矿含量、结晶体的平均直径及开口气孔率等微观结构有很大的差异。

    Ores and ores binary mixtures with very diversified microstructure regarding to hematite degree of hydration or goethite amount .

  30. 加入2wt%聚乙烯醇可获得85.10%TD烧结块,其开口孔率为1.16%。

    However , 85.10 % TD pellet , whose open porosity is 1.16 % , can be obtained if 2wt % polyvinyl alcohol is added .