
  • 网络chinese taiwan;taiwan;BSMI;Taiwan,China
  1. 中国台湾引进了美国的不动产投资信托和日本的资产流动化型不动产证券化(即不动产资产信托),建立了台湾自己的不动产证券化制度。

    Chinese Taiwan introduces American real estate investment trust and Japanese real estate asset trust and construct their own real estate securitization system .

  2. 中国台湾艺术家CinyeeChiu总是乐于尝试新事物。

    Cinyee Chiu , an artist from Taiwan , is always happy to try something new .

  3. 中国台湾省科学委员会简介

    A brief introduction to Science Committee of Taiwan Province of China

  4. 中国台湾省石化工业现状及发展

    The Status and Development of Petrochemical Industry of Taiwan Province , China

  5. 中国台湾地区及世界部分主要海水养殖国家养殖疾病综述

    A Summary of Maricultural Disease in Taiwan Province of China and Abroad

  6. 中国台湾地区1954年首次出版其中文译本。

    Its first full Chinese version came out in Taiwan in 1954 .

  7. 中国台湾8月起扩大玩具检验品目范围

    Taiwan to enlarge the scale of toy inspection in August

  8. 中国台湾当局随后同意了美方的申请。

    China 's Taiwan authorities later approved the above request .

  9. 中国台湾地区法律扶助制度研究

    A Study on the Legal Aid System in Taiwan

  10. 中国台湾电信市场现状

    Current Status of Telecom Market in Taiwan , China

  11. 中国台湾南部及其周边岛屿现今地壳形变的位错模型

    Dislocation model for current crustal deformation in and around southern taiwan , china

  12. 中国台湾当局批准了上述申请。

    China 's Taiwan authorities approved this application .

  13. 不适用于中国台湾地区、日本和韩国。

    Not for taiwan , Japan and korea .

  14. 关于操纵证券市场罪的比较研究&以日本与中国台湾地区为比较对象

    Comparative study of charge of operating securities market & Regarding Japan and Taiwan of China as the comparative target

  15. 然而,在日本民法和中国台湾地区民法中该制度却消失了。

    But the Japanese civil code and the area of Taiwan civil code have not the system of habitatio .

  16. 休闲渔港环境规划&以中国台湾花莲县石梯渔港环境改善工程为例

    Landscape Planning for Leisure Fishing Port & The Case Study of Shi-Ti Harbor in Taiwan Hualian County , China

  17. 在中国台湾自由主义的发生发展过程中,李敖是一个无法绕过的客观存在。

    In the process of the development of liberalism in Taiwan , China , Li Ao is an objective figure .

  18. 据统计,中国台湾地区2009年的外籍媳妇比例为15%,韩国的这一比例为8%。

    In Taiwan , 15 percent of wives were of foreign origin in 2009 ; eight percent in South Korea .

  19. 中国台湾种子植物区系的性质、特点及其与大陆植物区系的关系

    An analysis of the flora of seed plants of Taiwan , China : its nature , characteristics , and relations with the flora of the mainland

  20. 会议通过的第24号决议要求中国台湾当局在南沙群岛加强气象观测,而会上没有任何一个代表对此提出异议或保留。

    It was requested in Resolution No. 24 adopted at the conference that China 's Taiwan authorities should enhance meteorological observation on Nansha Qundao , and no opposition or reservation was registered .

  21. 可看穿的背单词—服装英语词汇本周一发布的一项最新调查称,由于当地的愿嫁女越来越少,东南亚越来越多的男性开始娶外籍媳妇,这一现象在日本、韩国和中国台湾地区最为突出。

    Increasing numbers of southeast Asian men , particularly in Japan , South Korea and Taiwan are marrying foreigners because fewer women in their homelands are willing to wed , a new study said Monday .

  22. 金爵奖公布的九部入围作品中,有俄罗斯大师尼基塔·米哈尔科夫新作《中暑》、美国导演丹尼尔·巴恩兹的作品《蛋糕》,也有中国台湾地区导演王童新作《对风说爱你》。

    Among the films nominated for the Golden Goblet Award are Sunstroke , from Russian director Nikita Mikhalkov , Kang Je-kyu 's Salut D'amour , Cake by Daniel Barnz from the U.S. and Taiwan director Wang Tung 's Where the Wind Settles .

  23. 近五十年,中国台湾地区经历了三次土地政策大变革,由此推动了台湾经济的高速发展,使之被世人称为亚洲四小龙之一。

    In the past 50 years , three great changes of land policy in Taiwan area of China has been given impetus to Taiwan economic development at top speed , and made it to be called " one of the four small dragons " .

  24. 朝鲜战争与中国的台湾问题

    The Korean War and China 's Question of Taiwan

  25. 1945年10月25日,中国战区台湾省对日受降典礼在台北举行,中国政府正式收复台湾。

    On October 25 , 1945 , the ceremony for accepting Japan 's surrender in Taiwan Province of the China War Theater was held in Taipei , and the Chinese government officially recovered Taiwan .

  26. 致使近期数字出现偏差的一个因素是,今年韩国、中国、台湾和越南的农历春节长假是在了1月份,而不像2008年那样在2月份。

    One factor skewing the recent numbers is that the extended Lunar New Year holiday in Korea , China , Taiwan and Vietnam fell this year in January , rather than February as in 2008 .

  27. 1995年和1996年,中国在台湾附近海域举行威慑性的导弹试验和军事演习。当时,美国响应中方要求限制航母调遣的呼吁,其中包括不途经台湾海峡。

    When Beijing held intimidatory missile tests and war games in the seas near Taiwan in 1995 and 1996 , Washington backed its calls for restraint with carrier deployments including a passage of the strait .

  28. 介绍关于动画形成的原理、起源、制作工具与动画分类,以及包含美国、日本、法国、捷克、英国、中国与台湾等动画风格比较分析与讨论。

    This class is to introduce basic principles of animation production , the origin of animation , and production tools of animation art . also , the class will discuss different styles from worldwide including u.s.a. , japan , france , czech , chinese , the british , and taiwan .

  29. 中国大陆与台湾合资的制鞋商华坚集团(huajiangroup),正是那种应该陷于低迷的中国出口企业。

    The Huajian group , a sino-taiwan shoe maker , is precisely the type of Chinese exporter that should be on its knees .

  30. 美国太阳能行业协会(SolarEnergyIndustriesAssociation,SEIA)表示,如果美国对中国大陆和台湾输美的太阳能电池板开征新一轮进口关税,那将切断低成本设备的供应,而这种供应是美国太阳能发电行业近年快速增长的关键因素之一。

    The Solar Energy Industries Association said that if the US went ahead with a new round of import duties hitting solar panels from China and Taiwan , it would cut off the supply of low-cost equipment that has been a critical factor in the industry 's rapid growth in recent years .