
  1. 但大量散户投资者持有的中小型公司股票仍持续下跌。

    But the shares of small and medium-size companies , widely held by retail investors , kept falling .

  2. 波顿称,该基金业绩欠佳,是因为持有的中国中小型企业股票高于惯常持有量,而这些股票价格的下跌比大盘更剧烈。

    Mr Bolton said the fund has underperformed because it held a larger than usual exposure to small and medium-sized Chinese stocks , the prices of which have fallen much more sharply than the broader market .

  3. 当外国投资者和国内的机构购买经营稳定的大型公司股票时,工薪阶层和中产阶级家庭购买价格较低的中小型公司股票,并因为这些股票的价格在上涨而不断购入。

    While foreigners and domestic institutions bought shares in large companies with fairly stable businesses , working-class and middle-class families mainly bought inexpensive shares in small and medium-size companies , and kept buying these shares simply because they were rising .