
  1. 本文以N市中小企业信用管理问题为研究对象,探讨如何建立科学的信用管理制度,增强中小企业抵抗风险防范风险的能力,建立起中小企业信用管理体系的对策措施。

    This paper takes N City medium-sized and small enterprises credit management as the research object , discuss and countermeasures .

  2. KMV模型具有动态性、前瞻性等特点,是衡量科技型中小企业信用风险高低的高级模型。

    KMV model is an advanced model to measure small and mediumenterprises ' credit risk level , with the characteristics of dynamic and forward-looking .

  3. 其次,利用AHP分析法,确定指标之间的层次关系和权重,建立了中小企业信用风险评估的评分模型,并对我国中小企业板上市的20家中小企业进行了评估排序分析。

    Then , by using the AHP method to determine the hierarchy of the indices and their weights , it builds a credit risk scoring model for small and middle enterprises which is used to analyze the 20 small and middle public enterprises .

  4. 该过程本文采用了系统分析、比较分析和综合归纳等研究方法,理论结合实际,以期对我国B2B环境下中小企业信用评估体系构建有一定的实际帮助。

    The dissertation adopts the following methods , such as system analysis 、 comparative analysis and comprehensive conclusion , etc. Integrate theory with practice . Hope to be realistically helpful in the construction of credit evaluation system of the small and medium-sized enterprises in China to some degree .

  5. 因此,深入探析中小企业信用风险评价难的成因,有针对性的对ZX银行信用评级体系进行改进设计,解决中小企业融资困境和信用评价难题,是一个亟待解决的现实问题。

    Therefore , in-depth Analysis of the Causes of the SME credit risk evaluation , targeted to improve the ZX Bank credit rating system design solutions to SME financing the plight and credit evaluation problem is a real problem solved .

  6. 境外中小企业信用担保机制的启示

    Experience of Guarantee for Small and Medium Enterprises in Foreign Regions

  7. 中小企业信用担保机制探析

    A Discussion on Mechanism of Credit Assurance of the Small-and-medium-Sized Enterprises

  8. 中小企业信用缺失研究现状评述

    Review on Credit Lack Research of the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

  9. 第二部分国外中小企业信用担保的比较分析。

    Part 2 : The comparative analysis of foreign credit guarantee .

  10. 构建中小企业信用管理体系的理性思考

    Thoughts on Constructing the Credit Management System of SMEs in China

  11. 中小企业信用风险担保体系的建设

    The Construction of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Credit Risk Assurance System

  12. 二是众多中小企业信用水平低下;

    The second , the low credit level in considerable SMEs ;

  13. 供应链融资下中小企业信用评价研究

    Study of Small-medium Enterprises Credit Evaluation Based on Supply Chain Financing

  14. 对加快山东省中小企业信用担保行业发展的建议

    Shandong Province to accelerate thedevelopment of SME credit guarantee industry proposal

  15. 所以建立中小企业信用担保制度是非常必要。

    So establishing credit guarantee schemes is indispensable and imperative .

  16. 中小企业信用担保中的政府角色

    On Governmental Role In Credit Guaranty Of Small-And Medium-Size Enterprises

  17. 中小企业信用担保机构建设

    The building of credit guarantee institutions for medium and small sized enterprises

  18. 中小企业信用管理全过程控制方法

    Introduction to SMEs ' Full - Process Control Method of Credit Management

  19. 浙江中小企业信用担保体系建设调查分析。

    Survey on construction of SMEs credit security system in Zhejiang prov .

  20. 中小企业信用担保体系中政府行为分析

    Government behavior analysis in small and medium enterprise credit guarantee

  21. 河南省中小企业信用担保体系完善与创新

    Henan province small and medium enterprise credit guarantee system perfection and innovation

  22. 论中小企业信用担保体系之构建

    Study on Constructing Certified Guaranty in Middle and Small Enterprises

  23. 兰州中小企业信用担保发展对策研究

    The Study of Developing Credit Guarantees in Mid-and-small Scale Enterprises in Lanzhou

  24. 对重庆南岸区中小企业信用担保中心的调查研究

    Investigation of SME Reputation Guarantee Centre in Nanan of Chongqing

  25. 加强中小企业信用管理的思考

    A Thinking on Enhancing Credit Management of Middle - and Small-sized Enterprises

  26. 中小企业信用制度创新的研究

    A Study on the Innovation of Credit System of SMES

  27. 美国中小企业信用担保体系及其启示

    Inspirations from the Credit Guarantee System of American Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

  28. 中小企业信用担保研究

    Study on Credit Guarantee of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

  29. 论制度创新与中小企业信用担保体系的发展

    An Analysis on Institutional Innovation and the Development of Guarantee Systems for SMEs

  30. 论重庆市中小企业信用担保体系的建立

    On the Establishment of Credit-guarantee System in Small and Medium-sized Business in Chongqing