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  • 网络chinese visa;china visa
  1. 有关申请签证的具体手续可就近向中国签证机关咨询。

    The related application visa concrete procedure may nearby consult to the Chinese visa institution .

  2. 他们在北京转机不需要中国签证。

    They would not have needed Chinese visas for their journey .

  3. 请以这封邀请函作为您申请中国签证的依据。

    Please use this invitation letter to apply for your visa to China .

  4. 新签证政策将签证申请周期缩短至三周,并且中国签证持有人若在签证失效48个月内重新续签,将免除面试要求。

    The new policy shortens the visa application process to three weeks , and Chinese applicants can renew their visas that have expired for less than four years without further interviews .

  5. 尽管进入中国的签证很难办;

    Even though the visa to enter China is difficult to obtain ;

  6. 我们希望这封邀请信将有助于您办理申请来中国的签证。

    We hope this letter will help you apply for a visa .

  7. 中国学生签证申请人的数量在增加

    The Numbers of Chinese Student Applicants are Increasing

  8. 中国离境签证很难拿到

    Exit visas are scarce in China .

  9. 为了取得入中国的签证,我要求在四个人名下的一封邀请信。

    I need " an invitation letter " for4 people to get Visa to China .

  10. 请持此表前往中国驻外签证机关申请来华签证。

    Please present this form to apply for entry visa at the Chinese Embassy or Consulate General .

  11. 请给我寄送一份正式的邀请函,以便我申请去中国的签证。

    Please send me a formal invitation so that I can apply for the visa to China .

  12. 此费用将适用于所有持中国工作签证的外国人,总计超过20万。

    The insurance fees will apply to the more than 200,000 foreigners who have work permits in China .

  13. 骆家辉大使致力于使在中国的签证申请程序更加响应这一增长的需求。

    Ambassador Gary Locke has committed to make the visa application process in China more responsive to this increased demand .

  14. 越南财政部公布,降低中国游客签证申请费,这一新举措将促进其旅游业发展。

    Vietnam 's Ministry of Finance announced move to lower Chinese visitors ' visa-application fees in a new step to boost its tourism .

  15. 旅游业并没有向本局提出中国境内签证申请中心不够的问题。

    The lack of available visa application centres in China has not been raised by the tourism sector as an issue with us .

  16. 英国签证政策不会因为签证申请中心而发生任何变化,英国在中国的签证制度将变得更加容易便捷。

    UK visa policies will not change as a result of the application centres ; the UK visa system will simply become more accessible across china .

  17. 这就意味着像印度、中国这样签证积压严重的国家可以使更多的人更快地来到美国。

    That means then that countries like India and China which are very backlogged , they can get more people to come to the United States more quickly .

  18. 我不知道欧洲的旅行者申请到中国的签证时是否需要提交他们的银行账户证明,是否需要将他们部分资产冻结。

    I don 't know if European tourists have to submit their bank accounts'certificates and have a percentage of their deposits frozen for a certain period to get a visa to China .

  19. 商会出具原产地证明书一正一副,正本须由阿联酋驻中国代表签证。

    Certificate of origin issued by the chamber of Commerce certifying that goods are of Chinese origin in one original and one copy the original legalized by the a . r . e . representation in china .

  20. BPP谨此确认在中国的英国签证官方签发机构对这类课程的签证申请所制定的甄选标准是一致而没有对一些学生有另外的标准。

    BPP would like to confirm that the criteria adopted by the British visa authorities in China in relation to such course applications are no different from those for other student visa applications .

  21. 7月1日,日本放宽了富裕中国游客的签证要求。

    On July1st Japan relaxed visa requirements for well-off Chinese tourists .

  22. 多年来,他们的辩论以中国游客的签证申请为焦点。

    For years , the argument was over visas for Chinese visitors .

  23. 该方案显示,韩国将放宽对中国游客的签证限制。

    The plan shows that Korea will relax restrictions on visas of Chinese visitors .

  24. 你应该申请前往中国旅游的签证,可以到新加坡的中国大使馆申请。

    You should apply for a China Tourist Visa from the China Emassby in Singapore .

  25. 预计英国大臣将在周一宣布对中国游客放宽签证。

    Ministers are expected to announce a liberalisation of visas to Chinese tourists on Monday .

  26. 美国宣布对中国官员实施签证限制,中国官方对此表示强烈反对。

    Chinese authorities have voiced strong opposition towards the U.S. announcement of visa restrictions on Chinese officials .

  27. 针对美国收紧针对中国记者的签证规定的新决定,中国警告要采取反制措施。

    China has warned of countermeasures in response to the U.S. new decision to tighten visa guidelines against Chinese journalists .

  28. 根据您面谈后的选择,您可以等待中国邮政将签证邮寄给您,也可以自己前往中国邮政领取您的签证。

    Either by mail delivery or self pick up , according to your arrangement with China Post after your interview .

  29. 美国政府发布了一项新规定,将中国记者的签证期限缩短至90天,可申请延期。

    Washington has issued a new rule limiting visas for Chinese reporters to a 90-day period , with the option for extension .

  30. 出境游火爆背后的原因是,一方面各国放宽了对中国游客的签证签发,另一方面,一些热门目的地航线的开通以及相应的旅游优惠政策也激发了国人出境游的热情。

    The reasons behind the rise are loosened visa requirements for Chinese , better flight connections and preferential policies to facilitate overseas consumption .