
In the Iliad Poseidon appears only in his capacity of ruler of the sea , inhabiting a brilliant palace in its depths , traversing its surface in a chariot , or sirring the powerful billows till the earth shakes as they crash upon the shore .
The brightness of sense which is closely related with loftiness .
Chinese is the most beautiful song The East Is Red .
Basic elements of the Ch in ese Wushu
The aesthetic nature of the Chinese Wushu
It is argued that Xu plays a role as a translator as the subject in his literary translation to effectively bring out the beauty of Chinese culture and realize his outlook of translational culture .
Good design is built on the basis of outstanding culture , the perfect combination of modern and traditional , modern design there are profound cultural connotation , can have Chinese characteristics , to perfect the beauty of the design system with Chinese characteristics .
As the Chinese nation 's precious inheritance , when talking about the aesthetic of Wushu , it must be refer to the cultural character .
Accumulation and connotation of outstanding Chinese culture manifest peculiar beauty of Chinese culture both in ideological and artistic form , so that plays a positive pushing role in reality .