
  • 网络horizon of expectation;expectation horizon
  1. 期待视野与文学作品重译

    Horizon of Expectations and Retranslation of Literary Works

  2. 下篇:期待视野理论与文学史研究。

    Part Two : " horizon of expectations " theory and literature history studies .

  3. 拓展期待视野发现意义空白点

    Expending " Expectation View " and Discovering " Meaning Blankness "

  4. 试论召唤结构与期待视野

    Literary Structure for Calling Attention and Readers ' Horizons of Anticipation

  5. 阅读期待视野与极端化女性写作现象刍议

    My opinions on reading expectation insights ang extreme women waitings

  6. 利用期待视野进行阅读教学

    Making Use of the " Expectation Horizon " and Practicing Reading Teaching

  7. 论林纾和庞德译作的期待视野

    On Horizons of Expectations of Linshu 's and Ezra Pound 's Translation

  8. 上篇:期待视野理论的拓展。

    Part One : an exploration of " horizon of expectation " theory .

  9. 期待视野与接受主体审美心理结构的建构、调整

    ' Anticipating Horizon ' & Aesthetic Construction and Adjustment of Mentality of Readers

  10. 读者期待视野关照下的清末政治小说翻译

    Translation of Political Novels in Late Qing Dynasty from Reader 's Horizon of Expectation

  11. 论少年小说与少年读者的期待视野

    Teenager Novels and Juvenile Readers ' Expecting Vision

  12. 小说美学的现代性与读者期待视野的融合;

    The fusion of the modernity in novel aesthetics and the readers ' expectations ;

  13. 不同的译者具有不同的期待视野,这导致译者迥异的翻译策略。

    Different translators possess different horizon of expectations , leading to different translation strategies .

  14. 读者期待视野在广告翻译中的体现

    The Embodiment of Reader 's " Horizon of Expectation " in the Advertisement Translation

  15. 视界融合和期待视野概念下译者地位的彰显

    A Translator 's Position under the Notions of Fusion of Horizons & Horizon of Expectation

  16. 接受之维的期待视野

    Expecting Horizon of the Field of Receptivity

  17. 普及与提高和接受美学期待视野比较研究

    Comparison Between " Popularization and Promotion " and " Expectation Eyeshot " in Accepted Aesthetics

  18. 《格列佛游记》;接受理论;期待视野;意义未定点;翻译;

    Gulliver 's Travels ; reception theory ; horizon of expectation ; indeterminacy ; translation ;

  19. 本文所涉及的接受环境与读者的期待视野有关。

    Reception environment here is connected with " horizons of expectations " of the reading public .

  20. 只有读者的期待视野与文学本文相融合,才能谈得上接受和理解。

    Only when horizon of readers matches that of literature text can reception and interpretation occur .

  21. “期待视野”理论启示教师要充分调动幼儿的原有经验;

    " expectation vision " encourages teachers to advocate the use of children 's own experience ;

  22. 假新闻是由综合因素造成的,迎合受众的“期待视野”是不可忽视的原因之一。

    Among them , the expected vision of receivers is one factor that should not be neglected .

  23. 翻译中的期待视野

    Expectation Horizon of a Translation

  24. 读者有不同的期待视野,这也就意味着作品会以多种方式而存在。

    The readers have different horizons , and it implies that the text exists in different meanings .

  25. “期待视野”、“视野融合”是姚斯的理论中的两个重要概念。

    " Horizon of expectation " and " fusion of horizons " are two important principles in Jauss'theory .

  26. 期待视野和文本的召唤结构是接受美学理论的两个主要概念。

    Horizon of expectation and the response-inviting structure of the text are the main concepts of aesthetic reception .

  27. 摘要“期待视野”源于比较文学的接受理论。

    The " vision of anticipation " is originated in the reception theory found in the comparative literature .

  28. 这种期待视野的融合与疏离,对《猫城记》的形成和变化影响较大。

    This fusion and alienation of the horizons of expectation influenced A Tale of Cat City a lot .

  29. 对百年红学若干个案的考察与反思,有利于对新世纪红学的突破契机、发展前景进行期待视野中的前瞻展望。

    It also predicts the breakthroughs and development prospects of the study in the new century in expect horizon .

  30. 接受美学;期待视野;未定处;空白;

    English translation of Shih Ching ; Reception Aesthetics ; horizon of expectations ; place of indeterminacy ; blank ;