
  • 网络Futures settlement price
  1. 纽约商交所十一月轻质低硫原油期货结算价周四跌4.69美元,至每桶69.85美元,跌幅6.3%。

    On the New York Mercantile Exchange , crude for November delivery fell $ 4.69 , or6.3 % , to $ 69.85 .

  2. 尽管有迹象表明世界范围内的石油需求可能正在消退,但周二原油期货结算价仍首次突破每桶100美元大关。

    Crude-oil prices finished just above $ 100 a barrel for the first time yesterday despite signs the world 's petroleum thirst may be subsiding .

  3. 易纲周二此番讲话对黄金现货市场影响甚微。纽约商交所Comex三月黄金期货合约结算价下跌1.60美元,至每盎司1122美元,跌幅0.14%。

    Mr. Yi 's remarkshad little effect on Tuesday spot trading of gold , which fell $ 1.60 , or 0.14 % , to $ 1122 an ounce in New York .

  4. 为此,本文选择股指期货现金结算价确定作为研究对象,具有理论背景和现实需要,即丰富了股指期货合约设计的相关研究,也为中国股指期货合约设计提供理论依据。

    So the cash settlement as the research objective is very significant , which will rich the literatures of index futures design and supply the index futures design of China with theory basis and implementation reference .

  5. 股指期货采用的现金结算价计算方式因市场而异,套期保值决策也应该相应调整。

    The cash settlement of index futures is different among differrent countries , so is the decision of hedging .