
  1. 在这个示例中,因为希望对单一交易的状态执行只读查询,显然应该使用GET方法,使用的URI模式见清单4。

    In this case , because you want to perform a read-only lookup of the status of a single transaction , the GET method is an obvious fit using the URI pattern , as shown in Listing 4 .

  2. 如果你必须为21世纪选择一项能源政策,你会选择一个基于“差价合约”(cfd)的系统吗?这个系统拥有一个单一交易对手、一个征税控制框架以及一个容量市场。

    If you had to choose an energy policy for the 21st century , would you prefer a system based on " contracts for difference " , with a single-party counterparty , a levy control framework and a capacity market ?

  3. 美国政府此项新计划将要求所有的“标准化”场外衍生产品通过中央清算所进行结算,以降低投资者危险地暴露在单一交易对手面前的风险。

    The new government plan would force all " standardised " OTC derivatives to be cleared through central clearinghouses , to reduce the risk of investors being dangerously exposed to a single counterparty .

  4. 这也当然解释了很多国家电力市场化改革初期为什么热衷于选择单一购买交易模式的原因。

    It also explains why many countries choose one-buyer pattern in the early stage of electricity market reform .

  5. 该平台利用云策略和内存数据库技术,将交易系统与结算系统分离,原有的单一集中交易系统扩散为分布在各地的多交易中心系统模式。

    With this platform based on cloud strategy and memory database technology , split the exchange system and settlement system .

  6. 将上述论点一般化需要证明一点:最终导致这位首席执行官获得奖金的一系列自愿交易,与把一枚硬币交给张伯伦的单一自愿交易,在本质上是一样的。

    Generalisation of the argument requires that the chain of voluntary transactions which leads to the award of a bonus to the chief executive is essentially identical to the single voluntary transaction that passes a coin to Chamberlain .

  7. 2l世纪伊始,单一股票期货交易的崛起,已经成为国际金融期货市场的最新发展特点,有最终衍生品之称。

    At the beginning of 21 century , the growing up of Single Stock Futures ( SSF ) has been the newest development characteristic of international financial futures markets , and it 's labeled as " the ultimate derivatives " .

  8. 此外,以单一实体进行交易大大降低交易成本。

    Moreover , trading as a single entity significantly reduces trading costs .

  9. 单一货币使得交易更加简单,因为它消除了汇率风险。

    The euro makes business much simpler as it eliminates foreign exchange risk .

  10. 但是中国资本市场单一的投资交易机制使投资者很难进行有效的风险管理,特别是对系统风险的管理很难做到准确的把握。

    Under the specific circumstance of Chinese capital market , the investors have no effective way to manage the investment risks , especially have great difficulties to control the system risk .

  11. 这不同于中国电视台与外国内容提供商之间的传统合作模式。在传统模式下,大多数协议都是单一制式的交易由中方获权使用在其它地区开发和播放的成熟电视节目。

    This is a departure from the traditional co-operation model between Chinese broadcasters and foreign content providers , where most agreements are single-format deals , under which the Chinese side licenses mature shows developed and run elsewhere .

  12. 目前我国木材加工附加值低,深加工较少,科技含量不高,获取木材信息渠道单一,木材交易方式滞后。

    But at present , the lumber-processing added value of our country is very low , the deep processing are less , the technology content is not high , the channel to gain the lumber information is sole , and the lumber trading mode lags .

  13. 单一价格二手车交易模型的均衡解

    Equilibrium Solution Of Single Price Trading Model Of Second-Hand Car

  14. 统一的内部市场具有规模经济优势,单一货币能够降低交易成本和风险,对于深化内部市场建设具有积极的推动作用。

    Internal Market has the advantage of economies of scale , while the Single Currency can reduce transaction costs and risks .

  15. 研究多个电力大用户与单一发电商的交易博弈模型、以及交易算法一两层决策系统优化模型,并通过算例分析交易的可行性。

    Bring forward the instance to analyze the feasibility . ( 5 ) Study the bargaining game mode and arithmetic ( two-layer decision system optimization matrix ) of multi consumers ' bargaining with one generator .

  16. 该模型利用整群有相似消费行为的持卡人来取代原先单一的持卡人,克服了采用单一持卡人时交易记录数据不足的缺陷。

    This model uses the cardholders that have similar consuming behavior in place of the original single cardholder . Thus , it could overcome the defect of lacking of transaction dada when using a single cardholder .