
  • 网络innovative SMEs
  1. 首先是我国创新型中小企业的融资特点及主要融资渠道;其次是着重描述我国目前的相关融资制度。

    Firstly , describing the features and major financing channels for innovative SMEs .

  2. 我国设立创业板市场是为了给创新型中小企业提供融资机会,是产业升级的必然趋势。

    GEM is established in China to provide financing opportunities for innovative SMEs , and is the inevitable trend of industrial upgrading .

  3. 创新型中小企业间研发合作的非契约机制研究

    Study on Non-Contractual Mechanisms for Research and Development Cooperation among Innovative Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

  4. 强化评价创新型中小企业信用价值的能力。

    Enhance the worth an ability in reputation in small business enterprise in inside in creative type in evaluation .

  5. 特别是在全球金融危机影响下,中国创新型中小企业融资难问题更加突出。

    Especially under the influence of the global financial crisis , Chinese innovative companies ' funding problem is more prominent .

  6. 第二是减小创新型中小企业融资的不确定性和风险性;

    The second is an indetermination to let up the small business enterprise in inside in creative type margin with the risk ;

  7. 十一五以来,我国在促进创新型中小企业发展融资方面进行了积极的探索和尝试,取得了一些成效。

    During the Eleventh Five-year period , China has explored many possible solutions in promoting innovative SMEs financing and make some success .

  8. 建立由私人部门牵头建立的创新型中小企业贷款保险计划。

    Establish to be led long by private section the small business enterprise in inside in creative type loan insurance plan that an establish .

  9. 最后本文根据实证结果针对创新型中小企业融资难问题给出了相应的政策建议。

    This paper presented a series of corresponding policies for the innovative SMEs ' financing difficulties based on the the empirical results in the end .

  10. 创新型中小企业作为创业和创新的重要主体决定了创新型中小企业整体在国民经济中的重要地位。

    As the Principle role of creation and innovation , the innovative small and medium sized enterprises play an important role in the nationwide economics .

  11. 有关部门表示,作为中国资本市场改革的最新举措,计划在北京建立的证券交易所将更好地服务于创新型中小企业。

    Authorities say the planned stock exchange in Beijing will better serve innovation-oriented small and medium-sized enterprises as the latest step of China 's capital market reform .

  12. 公共部门贷款担保或股权担保计划可以用于减少创新型中小企业融资的风险。

    Public section loan the guarantee or ownership of a share guarantee plan can used for decrease creative type inside the risk of the small business enterprise margin .

  13. 历经坎坷,面向创新型中小企业的创业板市场终于拨云见日,于2009年10月份顺利推出,使我国在多层次资本市场建设中又迈出了坚实的一步。

    After ups and downs , Growth Enterprise Market that for innovative SMEs was finally launched in October 2010 , make our country in the construction of multi-level capital market has taken a solid step .

  14. 从演化理论视角,运用系统科学思维方式,以企业仿生学理论、演化经济学理论及复杂适应系统理论为主要分析工具,重构创新型中小企业成长的基本概念。

    Based on evolutionary theory view and system science thinking , the basic concepts of ISME growth is reconstructed using businesses bionics theory , evolutionary economics theory , evolutionary game theory and complex adaptive system theory .

  15. 在这种情况下,创新型中小企业的融资就要依靠政府计划、银行贷款或外国的股权投资市场了。

    In that case , the margin of the small business enterprise in inside in creative type will depend on government plan , the bank lends money or the foreign ownership of a share invested the market .

  16. 本文研究表明,造成创新型中小企业融资约束的根本原因既有企业自身创新机制和经营管理模式的不足,商业银行服务意识的欠缺,也有国家战略和政策方面的缺失。

    This paper shows that the root cause of ISME financing constraints involves the lack of both corporate innovation mechanism and management mode , the lack of bank service awareness , and also the lack of national innovation policies .

  17. 创新型中小企业作为国家经济发展的微观载体,正以强烈的创新动机、专业化的创新技术以及快速灵活的成长机制成为国家创新体系建设的重要支撑。

    Innovative Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises ( ISMEs ), as the micro carriers of national economic development , are becoming the important force in construction of national innovation system , with strong innovative motivation , professional innovative technology and flexible growth mechanism .

  18. 实证研究包括对创新型中小企业员工心理契约结构研究、知识员工与一般员工心理契约比较研究,及知识员工激励与绩效关系研究。

    The empirical study include research of psychological contract structure of the staffs in innovative SMEs , a comparative study on psychological contract between the knowledge workers and the general staff , and the studies on relationship between employee incentives and performance .

  19. 研究结果如下:1、创新型中小企业员工与组织间的心理契约由三维结构构成。

    Conclusions of the study are as follows . 1 . The study showed that the psychological contract of the employees in innovative SMEs has the three-factor solution as the main construct . The responsibility of the organization includes transaction , relation , and development factors .

  20. 创新型中小企业尽管所占比重较小,却创造了大多数的新技术、新产品和新专利等科技成果,同时在优化产业结构、催生高新技术企业、推动科技创新发展等方面发挥着关键作用。

    ISMEs , who occupy small proportion in whole enterprises , create the most new technology , new products and new patents . Meanwhile , they play important role in optimizing the industrial structure , driving the birth of high-tech enterprises , and promoting technological innovative development .

  21. 构建创新型陶瓷中小企业服务体系的思考和建议

    Thoughts and suggestions on the construction of an innovative ceramic service system for small and medium-size enterprises

  22. 创业板的建立是完善我国多层次资本市场的重要举措,对促进创新型、高科技中小企业的成长具有重要意义。

    The establishment of GEM is to improve our multi-layer capital market system and serves as an important approach in promoting innovation and rapid growth of SME .

  23. 虽然各国对二板市场的名称不同,但在本文中,统一将这种为创新型、成长型中小企业提供上市融资服务的证券市场称为创业板。

    Although each country has different names for the second board markets , but in this paper , such security market for the listing and financing of innovative high-growth enterprises , is defined as the Growth Enterprise Market .

  24. 渐进性创新与突破性创新:科技型中小企业的选择策略大规模定制下突破性创新和渐进性创新战略选择

    Incremental Innovation and Radical Innovation : Strategic Decision for Small and Medium-sized Technological Enterprises ; On the Strategic Choosing for Radical Innovation and Incremental Innovation under Mass Customization

  25. 创新型企业是自主创新的主体,在创新型企业群体中,创新型中小企业数量更多,更具有活力,创新力更强。

    Innovation-oriented enterprises are the main force of independent innovation ; among the enterprises , the middle and small scale entities are more dynamic and creative than other ones .

  26. 本文提出,切实加大企业家自主创新动力机制,保障其创新收益,降低其创新风险与创新成本,是政府推动科技创新、扶持科技型中小企业发展的关键环节。

    It is concluded in this dissertation that the key measurements for governments to prompt S T innovation and support S T SME ' development are actually enhancing the impetus mechanism of entrepreneurs ' self-innovation , ensuring their innovation benefits , reducing their innovation risk and cost .