
  • 网络Nikolaivorstadt
  1. 纽约前市交易中,美国基准的西德克萨斯中质原油(westtexasintermediate)下跌约60美分,至每桶71.37美元。

    West Texas Intermediate , the US benchmark crude , fell about 60 cents to $ 71.37 in morning trade in New York .

  2. 美国地区法官杰克温斯坦(jackweinstein)的上述裁定,导致烟草类股在美国股市前市交易中走低。

    The ruling by US District Judge Jack Weinstein sent tobacco shares lower in morning trade .

  3. 在奥巴马显然赢得了对共和党总统候选人罗姆尼(MITTROMNEY)的胜利后,亚洲股市在前市的交易中跌幅扩大。

    Asian markets also extended losses in early trading after Mr. Obama 's victory over Republican nominee Mitt Romney became apparent .

  4. 波士顿前市议会议员迈克·罗斯(MikeRoss)认为,举办奥运是一件好事,不仅仅是大家能想到的那些原因,比如帮我们克服一直以来的‘比纽约要小’的拿破仑情结。

    Mike Ross , a former Boston city councilman , argued that the Olympics are a good idea and not just for the reasons one might think , such as helping us get over our persistent ' smaller than New York ' Napoleon complex .

  5. 受伯南克上述讲话的影响,昨日前市交易中美股大幅下跌。

    The remarks by Mr Bernanke contributed to a sharp fall in US shares in morning trading .

  6. 洛杉矶市政委员、前市议会主席埃里克·加希提可能会成为洛杉矶历史上首位犹太裔市长。

    City council member and former city council president Eric Garcetti would be the city 's first elected Jewish mayor .

  7. 这位前市土地测量师也有25个孙子,53个曾孙和6个玄孙,根据一份中都城的声明说。

    The former city land surveyor also had25 grandchildren , 53 great-grandchildren , and six great-great-grandchildren , according to a statement from the Miyakonojo city .

  8. 芝加哥小麦期货价格昨日前市升至10年高点,达到每蒲式耳5.24美元,较两天前上涨逾13%。

    Wheat futures in Chicago reached a 10-year high yesterday morning , touching $ 5.24 a bushel , a rise of more than 13 per cent in the past two days .

  9. 该股在纽约市场前市交易中跌幅一度高达70%,至3.50美元的盘中低点。在后市中段交易中,该股下跌47%至6.24美元。

    The stock fell as much as 70 per cent in morning trading in New York to a intra-day low of $ 3.50 and was trading 47 per cent lower at $ 6.24 in mid-afternoon .

  10. 迈克尔·布隆伯格(MichaelR.Bloomberg),前纽约市市长,彭博通讯社(BloombergL.P.)控股股东

    Michael R. Bloomberg , former New York City mayor and majority owner of Bloomberg L.P.

  11. 9月11日,前纽约市警官FrankMaisano是首批赶赴事发现场的人之一。

    On September 11th , former New York City Police Officer Frank Maisano was among the first s rushing to the scene .

  12. 最近,宏达电(HTC)推出了自己的Windows8手机,该系列将在10月下旬Windows8官方产品推出前后面市。

    More recently , HTC launched its own windows 8 phone line to be available around the official Windows 8 product launch in late October .

  13. 鲁道夫·W·朱利安尼[前纽约市市长]:“美国历史上出现过许多独具慧眼的领导人,我认为德威特·克林顿深知纽约州的发展对美国意义重大。”克林顿的愿景是让纽约州富起来。

    America was blessed with many inspirational leaders , and I think Dewitt Clinton had a real sense of how important new York could be for America . Clinton 's vision : to make New York rich .

  14. 前纽约市市长鲁道夫·朱利安尼(RudolphGiuliani)曾要求纽约市警察局(NYPD)严厉打击影响“生活质量”的不雅行为,其中也包括随地小便。

    Under former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani , the New York City Police Department began a major crackdown on ' quality of life ' offenses -- including passing water in public .

  15. 这项投资额为1.4亿美元的项目于五月份启动,合作方为美国出版商、前纽约市市长迈克尔·布隆伯格(MichaelBloomberg)。他在宣布这一项目时表示,该项目将“挑战现状,用创新解决难题”。

    The $ 140 million project was launched in May in collaboration with American publisher and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg , who heralded the initiative by saying it will ' challenge the status quo and use innovation to solve tough problems ' .

  16. 健康教育前玉溪市部分农村受调查人群基本知识的知晓率为0%,Hp相关性疾病知识知晓率为0%,常见上消化道疾病保健和防治知识为9.2%;

    Before the health education , the understanding rate of the basic knowledge in the group being investigated in part villages in Yuxi was 0 % , the understanding rate of Helicobacter pylori associated knowledge was 0 % , and 9.2 % of common diseases of upper digestive tract .

  17. 去年秋天的一个周五晚上,位于纽约地狱厨房区的一处公寓楼内,50位衣着光鲜的客人接踵而至。他们前来参加为前纽约市芭蕾舞团舞蹈演员、57岁的茜拉·玛丽·帕吉特(Sheela-MariePadgett)举行的派对。

    One Friday night last fall , 50 well-dressed guests piled into an apartment in Hell 's Kitchen for a party celebrating Sheela-Marie Padgett , a 57-year-old former dancer with the New York City Ballet .

  18. 要想知道1千年前连城市都没有的时代广场看上去是什么样,我们就要借助一个伟大的项目:威利极亚(Welikia)2。它是由一个更小的项目——曼纳哈塔(Mannahatta)发展而来的。

    To see what Times Square looked like before a city was there , we turn to a remarkable project called Welikia , which grew out of a smaller project called Mannahatta .

  19. 解放前哈尔滨市朝鲜族的学校教育

    School Education of the Korean Nationality Before Liberation

  20. 叙利亚内战于2011年爆发,内战爆发前拉卡市的人口超过20万人。

    Before that country 's civil war in 2011 , more than 200000 people live in Raqqa .

  21. 麦凯恩正得到加州州长施瓦茨辛格和前纽约市市长朱利安尼的帮助。

    McCain is getting help from California Governor Arnold Scharzenegger and former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani .

  22. 前新奥尔良市市长雷·纳金因腐败被判处10年监禁。

    Former New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin has been sentenced to ten years in federal prison for corruption .

  23. 乔:嗯,几年前布里斯托市足球俱乐部是在甲级,现在定在丁级。

    Well , a few years ago Bristol City Football Club was in the First Division . Now they 're in the Fourth Division .

  24. 93%以上的窒息新生儿死前在市、县级医院就诊,92%以上的窒息新生儿死前经住院治疗。

    The proportion of newborn go to the hospital at city and county level , before death is 93 % higher and 92 % higher were admitted .

  25. 大卫是前墨西哥市的议员,他领导了一场使墨西哥城成为第一个通过婚姻平等法案的拉丁美洲城市的运动,甚至比旧金山还早。

    David is a former city councilor who fought to make Mexico City the first Latin American city to pass marriage equality - even before San Francisco .

  26. 前纽约市市长鲁迪·朱利安尼没有在爱荷华进行过多的竞选活动,虽然在共和党内,他在国家民意调查已经领先了数月。

    Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani has not campaigned much in Iowa , even though he has led the Republican field in national polls for months .

  27. 商界巨鳄,财经新闻公司彭博社的领导人,同时也是前纽约市市长迈克尔.布隆伯格也为慈善事业贡献了很多时间。

    Along with running his financial news and information company Bloomberg LP , former New York mayor and business magnate Michael Bloomberg dedicates much of his time to philanthropy .

  28. 现在共和党人的竞赛面更宽了,至少有四位参赛者:麦凯恩先生,哈克比先生,罗姆尼先生和鲁迪?朱利安尼先生,一位前纽约市市长。

    The Republican race is now wide open , with at least four contenders : mr mccain , Mr huckabee , Mr Romney and Rudy giuliani , a former mayor of new york .

  29. 对1949年前南京市的行政区划体制沿革进行梳理并分析特点,将1949年以来南京市行政区划体制的演变过程进行阶段划分,并分析总结其特征和演变的规律。

    After combing and analyzing the innovation of ADS before 1949 , the evolutional course of ADS from 1949 in Nanjing is segmented , and the characteristics and the evolutional laws are got .

  30. 前纽约市市长鲁道夫·朱利安尼称那些声称对刺杀事件负责的人必须得到审判。同时,她的遇刺提醒了在任何地区的恐怖行动都是对自由的威胁。

    Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said those responsible for the assassination must be brought to justice and that her death is a reminder that terrorism anywhere is a threat to freedom .