
  1. 在其“首尔书桌”系列作品中,我们又看到了他代表性的未来主义前卫风格。

    The familiar futuristic sleek look is present again in their Seoul Desk range .

  2. 在原生态的混凝土结构旁边,耸立着一个巨型的、闪闪发光的白石块,它是那种你极少看到的瑞士前卫风格的免下车银行。

    Beside the raw concrete , a gleaming white monolithic block provides one of the very few Swiss avant-garde drive-in banks you will ever see .

  3. 记者:你觉得北京能接受这种前卫的时尚风格么?

    Q : Do you think Beijing has a tolerance for avant-garde style ?

  4. 她布满裂纹的醒目双唇和多彩的眼影诠释了前卫的摇滚风格的魅力。

    Her choppy bold lips and colourful eyeshadow defined the edgy , rock ' n ' roll glamour .

  5. 你觉得北京能接受这种前卫的时尚风格么?二级城市长沙怎么样?还是说,你觉得在国外更被接受?

    Do you think Beijing has a tolerance for avantgarde style ? How about second-tier cities such as Changsha ? Or do you feel you are more accepted abroad ?

  6. 在论文最后的实验成果和结论部分,我们会证明系统能够快速简单的建立现实中已经存在的建筑外观,也能利用系统所提供的功能创造出前卫的建筑风格。

    Results are shown to demonstrate that our framework is not only good at simulating a wide variety of existing architectures , but also capable of creating even avantgarde architectural styles .

  7. 深处当代艺术感知和意识氛围下的前卫时装设计的风格与主题极其泛化,并对服装的传统意义、服装固有结构表现形式进行着解构,表现手法多种多样,层出不穷。

    The style and topic of the vanguard fashion design are especially multiplicity in the contemporary art feels and ideas , and the vanguard fashion design breaks down the traditional meaning and inherency pattern of fashion .