
  • 网络Natural texture;ORGNITU
  1. 中国的现代性是移植来的,而非自然肌理之物。

    The modernity of China is transplanted from the West , it is not the natural thing bom from Chinese culture .

  2. 人造板和炭化木的人造肌理同天然木材的自然肌理有很大差别。

    There is large difference between the artificial texture of artificial plates and carbonization wood and the natural texture of natural wood .

  3. 首先阐述了对概念的理解,此处的自然肌理,元素来源于大自然,最终的形成往往是一种半自然状态。

    Firstly , the concept of natural texture , here comes from nature , the final elements formed is usually a kind of half natural state .

  4. 合理的画面布局、讲究的工艺制作、特殊材料的镶嵌、自然的皱漆肌理、含蓄典雅的色彩,打磨后的有规律和无规律的画面效果。

    Reasonable composition of the pictures , daintily production process , Special material mosaic , natural wrinkle fabric paint , subtle and elegant colors . Regular and irregular screen effect After the grinding .