
  • 网络changes in china
  1. 汉语文化的高环境特征及其在当代中国的变化

    Characteristics of the High-context Chinese Culture : Its Change in Contemporary China

  2. 听音跟读,找出中国的变化。

    Listen again and find out the changing of China .

  3. 中国的变化则要缓慢的多;

    Change has been much slower in China ;

  4. 而如果西方误读了中国的变化,只会让事情变得更糟。

    And if the west misinterprets Chinese changes , it will only make matters worse .

  5. 聊中国的变化,她的话让我感到很温馨很自豪。去了那么多地方她说。

    China is the most easiest place , Chinese are great . I only know five Chinese words but I had a great time . I feel quite safe there .

  6. 长期以来,中国的变化日新月异,连一直生活在这里的人都不能做到与时俱进、明查秋毫,那些居住、工作在远方的人自然就更是孤陋寡闻。

    China has been changing so quickly and dramatically for so long that it challenges even people who live here to keep current and well-informed , let alone people who live and work far away .

  7. 但是,近几十年,马克思主义哲学在中国的变化却非常缓慢,这在哲学教材、哲学教学以及人们对哲学的态度上都有所体现。

    However , in the recent years , the progress of Marxism in China has been very sluggish , which was manifested in philosophy teaching materials , philosophy teaching and the attitude people hold toward philosophy .

  8. 一些制药行业巨头认识到了中国的变化,已经在中国开设了自己的业务,但是这些大公司这样做的原因不是中国的劳动力价格低廉,而是因为员工的能力水平,至少在长期以内情况就是如此。

    Recognising China 's evolution , several drugs giants have set up their own Chinese operations , but they stress that the quality of employees , not cost , is the main reason , at least in the long term .

  9. 在该片摘夺柏林电影奖之前,刁亦男说:如今中国的变化很大,我当时就想拍一部描绘当代中国生活的侦探悬疑片,创作一部真正代表新现实的影片。

    ' China today is greatly changing , ' Mr. Diao noted prior to Berlin . ' I wanted to make a detective film depicting life in contemporary China ' and to ' create a true representation of our new reality . '

  10. 中国的LUCC变化是全球环境变化的重要组成部分。

    The change of China 's LUCC is an important component part of global environmental change .

  11. 与中国关系的变化,的确需要奥巴马换以新的口气。

    The changing relationship with China does demand a new tone .

  12. 中国最大的变化在农村。

    The big changes are to be found in the countryside .

  13. 在他们的成功背后,我们看到的是中国自身的变化。

    Behind their success is a change in China itself .

  14. 我对中国发生的变化感到很吃惊。

    I 'm amazed by the changes China has taken .

  15. 当代中国的社会变化与高校美育

    Changes in Current Chinese Society and Aesthetic Education in Universities

  16. 中国生产率的变化及其影响因素研究

    A Study on the Changes of China 's Productivity and Its Determinants

  17. 它的繁荣和发展引领了中国各地的变化。

    Its prosperity and development lead the changes in various areas in China .

  18. 王淳奇职业生涯的轨迹紧随中国经济的变化而变。

    Wang 's career shift neatly tracks the changes in China 's economy .

  19. 所有人都在讨论中国发生的变化,事实也确实如此。

    Everyone talks about how much has changed , and it 's true .

  20. 近百年中国降水的变化趋势在不同时间尺度上有不同的变化,且各地之间的显著尺度也不同。

    It also shows precipitation changes in China are various on different time scales .

  21. 中国社会的变化,使得许多问题得到了解决,同时也产生了一些问题。

    As china changes , many problems are solved and new ones crop up .

  22. 全球化与社会主义中国的新变化

    Globalization and new changes in socialist China

  23. 通过这部片子,也能隐约看到中国的经济变化。

    Along the way , the film offers faint allusions to economic change in China .

  24. 中国真的变化了许多,可能变化了太多了。

    China has changed a lot , almost too much I guess , for my taste .

  25. 近39年中国的气温变化与城市化影响

    The changes of temperature and the effects of the urbanization in China in the last 39 years

  26. 其次,分析小泉首相对美国和朝鲜的政策变化,在此基础上具体分析了小泉首相对于中国的政策变化及其原因。

    On the basis of this analysis , it analyzed the transformation of policy towards China and the reason specifically .

  27. 耕地总量动态平衡政策驱动下中国的耕地变化及其生态环境效应

    The Change of Cultivated Land and Ecological Environment Effects Driven by the Policy of Dynamic Equilibrium of the Total Cultivated Land

  28. 如果我们的公司能看到中国市场的变化,抓住机会,他们将会获得很好的收益。

    If our companies can see these changes in the Chinese market , they will make good profits by seizing their chances .

  29. 本文认为外商直接投资在中国的发展变化为:①发展有波折、但总体增长迅速;

    This paper views the changing patterns of foreign direct investment ( FDI ) as : ( 1 ) fast growth With fluctuation ;

  30. 随着中国日新月异的变化,人们的生活正在发生着巨大改变,但很难说在不久的将来,开车将完全成为中国人首选的交通工具。

    Although these features of Chinese life are changing , we doubt that cars will completely overtake other forms of transportation anytime soon .