
  • 网络Mechanical aesthetics;machine aesthetic;Machine Esthetic
  1. 现代建筑大师密斯·凡·德·罗和勒·柯布两耶等将机械美学、成批生产建筑的大工业化、功能化思想运用于建筑与设计实践,并对现代功能主义产生强大推动力。

    Masters of modern architecture such as Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier et al put aesthetics of machinery , production of architectures in bulk and functional idea into practice of architecture and design , and gave a powerful impetus to modern functionalism .

  2. 自然的人化命题,为突破机械唯物主义美学观起到了非常重要的作用,也为从人的本质角度探究美的本质提供了一种可能。

    It plays an extremely vital role to break mechanical materialism esthetics view and offers a new way to ponder the essence of beauty .

  3. 本座骑式割草机的改型设计研究,是在现代技术的基础上,将机械原理与美学相结合,以车辆人机工程学和相关工业设计理论为依据,最终完成对产品的设计,并使产品系列化。

    The modification design & research is based on modern technology , and combined with mechanics and aesthetics , relied on man-machine engineering of vehicle and relevant theory of industry design . Finally , a series of products have been designed .

  4. 提出了技术美学的十大设计准则。结合矿山机械从不同角度论述了机械产品美学设计的重要性

    This paper analyzes the basic contents and describes the design rules of the aesthetics , then associates with the mine mechanical products design , and talks about the importances of the aesthetic design