
  • 网络mechanical transport;mechanical haulage
  1. 液力联轴器在煤矿机械运输设备软启动和软制动中的运用和分析

    Practices and Analysis on Hydraulic Couplings Used at Mechanical Transportation Equipment Soft Start-Up and Soft Stop

  2. BMI因为食物更加容易获得和机械化运输的实现而持续上升。

    BMI is going up because of the availability of food and motorized transportation , Edwards said .

  3. 履带机械公路运输技术要求探讨

    Research on Technique Demand for Highway Transportation of the Pedrail Machine

  4. 汽车涂装线中机械化运输设备的规划思路

    Layout of the Conveyor System in Automobile Finishing Line

  5. 建筑机械化运输环节的研究

    Research on the transport link in constrution mechanization

  6. 加强起重机械皮带运输系统安全管理

    The Improvement of Safety Management for the Systems of Crane Machines and Belt Conveying

  7. 原木输送机与物料机械化运输

    Log conveyer and material mechanization transportation

  8. 化工机械化运输工艺设计施工图内容和深度规定

    The process design specification of the detail design content and procedure for chemical bulk material handing

  9. 全世界有几十个这样的工程正在施工中,反映出人们开始重新看好这种最古老的机械化运输方式。

    The project is one of scores all over the world that reflect new optimism about the oldest form of mechanised transport .

  10. 外球面轴承优先适用于要求设备及零部件简单的场合,例如用于农业机械、运输系统或建筑机械上。

    The spherical bearing applies to request priority equipments and parts of the simple situations , such as used for agricultural machinery , transportation system or construction machinery .

  11. 介绍了特种介质铁路机械保温运输罐车的主要结构、技术参数、罐体设计、试验及试运行情况。

    Described are the main structure , technical parameters , tank design , testing and trial opera - tion of the mechanical thermal car with special medium for railway transportation .

  12. 机械冷藏车运输青椒的试验分析

    Analysis to the Experiment of Green Pepper Transport with Mechanically Refrigerated Car

  13. 特种介质机械保温铁路运输罐车的研制

    Development of the Mechanical Thermal Tank Car with Special Medium for Railway Transportation

  14. 机械冷藏车运输指标的研究

    Study on the Transportation Quota for Mechanical Refrigerator Car

  15. 机械力、运输、工程学

    Mechanical power , transport , engineering

  16. 电镀镍磷合金镀层被广泛用于航天、机械、交通运输、家用器具等。

    The electroplate Nickel-Phosphorus coating is applying in astronautics , mechanism , transportation , home appliances and so on .

  17. 以变截面板弹簧形成理论和制造过程为例,介绍了变值轧制成型技术在农业机械和农用运输车变截面板簧制造方面的应用。

    The application of the variable data rolling is introduced by example of the forming theory and manufacturing process of taper leaf spring of farming machinery and vehicle and truck .

  18. 介绍了新型机械冷藏集装箱运输车组的主要特点、技术参数、车辆构造、试验、试运行情况及应用前景。

    Described are the main features , technical parameters , structure , test , trial operation and application prospects of a new type trainset for transport of mechanical refrigerator containers .

  19. DCH-2型井下运料车是我国第一台无轨采矿机械化辅助运输设备。它的研制成功,标志我国井下运输设备进入了一个新的发展阶段。

    DCH - 2 underground service vehicle , first developed successfully in China , as a trackless auxiliary transport machine for mining , indicates the underground transport equipment coming into a new stage .

  20. 具备以下任一行业工作经验和背景的从业者:油、气掘采设施、石油化工、电站、炼油厂、矿山机械、轨道运输、钢结构、造船及机械加工等。

    Appropriate background and work experience in any of oil , gas , petrochemical , power generation , refinery , mining equipment , rail transport , structural steel , shipping or process industries .

  21. 聚合物宽幅厚板材广泛应用于输送带盖胶、工矿机械和交通运输设备中的缓冲垫板、绝缘板等领域。

    Wide and thick rubber sheet is widely used in many production and daily life such as top rubber of conveyer belt , traffic and transportation machinery cushion , insulation , and so on .

  22. 铝合金因重量轻、资源丰富、综合性能好,所以在机械、交通运输、航天与军事工业等高新技术领域中的应用逐年增加。

    The aluminum alloys are widespread used in the machinery , the transportation , astronautics and the war industry and so on because of the light weight , the ample resources , overall good performance .

  23. 我国煤矿的高效运输液压支架技术和设备的实际应用水平还相当低,因此发展高效机械化辅助运输装备是高产高效矿井建设的重要内容与根本保证。

    The actual application level of efficiently hydraulic support transportation technology and equipment of is lower in our country , so the developing of the highly mechanization of assistant transportation equipment is the important content and basic guarantee of the high yield and efficiency of the mine building .

  24. 工业CT作为一种先进的无损检测技术,已广泛应用于航空、石油、钢铁、机械制造、铁路运输等领域,它可以在无损状态下,准确检测工件的内部结构。

    As a kind of advanced non-destruction detection technologies , namely detecting the inner structure of products without destruction , Industrial Computed Tomography ( ICT ) has been widely used in many fields , such as aviation , oil , steel , manufacturing , rail transport and so on .

  25. 轻型起重输送机械的研发浅谈运输机械及输送机械的分类

    Study on light transshipment crane Classification of Delivery and Conveying Machines

  26. 客运和货运站包括行李运转机械装置和旅客运输作业。

    Passenger and cargo terminals include baggage-movement and passenger-transit operations .

  27. 开挖爆破采用大体积爆破和预裂爆破两种,全部机械化装卸、运输。

    The large area blasting and pre crack blasting were used here .

  28. 散状物料输送机械是起重运输机械中广泛应用的一种形式。

    Scattered material conveying machinery is one important composing part of elevating machinery .

  29. 装箱问题广泛地用于机械生产和交通运输等行业当中。

    Bin packing is a combinatorial optimization and NP-complete problem and widely applied to the mechanical manufacture and traffic transportation industries .

  30. 代东昌告诉新华社,两辆建筑机械和六辆运输车辆在修复受灾地区震坏路段的时候,也被泥石流掩埋。

    Two construction machines and six vehicles were also buried in the mud flows during efforts to repair quake-shattered roads in the region , Dai Dongchang told Xinhua .